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Taylor's POV

Everyone was gushing and squaling telling how perfect the ball last night so do I but Im kind of person who'll tell the whole story what happened

I wanna meet the man that I dance last Night

With those green eyes and curly head boy wearing a  suit and mask dancing in the middle of hundreds of people with me

"Aye Tay what are you smiling at?" Karlie Snap out my daydream

"Nothing eh"

"Nothing,but she's think about the boy who dance with her last night" Selena Mumbled

Shaks why do they have to know that
Ofcourse they are one of the witness eh

I curse

"If your cursing something dont curse to loud eh everyone might know your little sneaky royal secret Princess" Two of them said with a little loud some people near us pay attension to us when Karlie And Sel say "Princess"

"Urghhh Not again two of you Im done with all those nonsense can we just GO?!" I burst out my Annoyance

"Sorry Pri-"


I was In My Science Chemistry Sub sitting with Mr.Perfect Styles as they call him
Some of student say He dance with the Princess
That could be true?
If its true? Ahhhhhh i wanna get my words back meeting him again! Oh no no no


All students rush out side room

"Ms.Taylor and Mr Styles i wanna talked about something" we both walk toward Mr.Smith table

"What is it Sir?"

"As now Mr.Styles your grade are getting low ,And as I see you didn't get some of our Topic In Chem"

"What will I do here sir?"

"As you Ms.Taylor you have to tutor Mr.Styles as a Partner in Lab explain all what he doesnt get until his grade pull up again"

"But sir I-" he cut me

"I already ask your Father about it he approve and this tutoring thing may affect to make your grade increase higher than now"

"When we will start Sir"


Taylor Will tutor Mr.Perfect cause they're perfect

That Nerd Is The Princess (Haylor)Where stories live. Discover now