Thirty Six

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Guys I Changed the Title of The book it will be That Nerd is The Princess it the same

So here is the Chapter  Thirty Six
Hope ya like is
"Wake up Taybear! Our flight will be in 1 hour" Karlie shouted on Taylor's ears making her roll over and fell on her bed making a loud noise

"Look at the time it's only 2am!" I moan with Irritation

"Yeah It's 2am but our flight is 3am so get up your lazy ass take a bath Princess and read your Princess Rules in 100 times so you wont be like this" Karlie Scolded me up then left the room

I yawn. Walk to my big bathroom and take a bath

I read the Princess Books everyday if you want to know
I was fully dressed grabing my jacket on sofa heading to the front door to meet Karlie and Selena with Boredom Face I just give them a Morning smile like always when we had a sleep over

I'm still sleepy as in I just forcing my eyes open

Hope the Plane Seat are comfortable for me to sleep in the whole flight

I usually do when I'm in the plane was looking around those sleeping people. beside I'm still young I can sleep whenever I want to except in class at school



"Were riding an Private Plane for now that what your Dad" Selena Said I didn't notice she stop walking making me bump to her I wasn't looking on my direction Selena landed to the floor she grab me so I grab Karlie's hand making us fall in the same time

"Awww!" We groan I was lying in the top Selena's and Karlie was beside her lying kissing the floor


I got up offer my hands to them smiling they frown toward me

"It's your fault if you didn't bump on me were not going to be on the floor lying!" She  snap at me everyone stare on us

"I didn't mean to I'm sorry" my smile turn to be sad one I always use to facing everyone when they bully me, throwing some hurtful words

This what I always be!

"Gosh! My PHONE! ITS BROKEN" Karlie Show us her phone that has crack on the screen

Oh No!

"I can't call my mom anymore! I should buy a new one as soon as possible" Karlie Cried im still silent here I caught Selena was glaring at me

"You shouldn't grab me Tay if you don't my phone wouldn't be broken" she said with disappointment to her voice

Still silent

I can't say a word
It's all my fault am I?
I should look to my direction
I shouldn't grab Karlie's Hand
This wouldn't happened at all

I look down on the floor waiting them to say something but they keep looking at me with angry look

Should Walk away or Stay?
What am I supposed to do
I keep silent my body sweating up I don't know why

I should walk? Yeah.

I walk away silently with my sad face I always ware

Both of them know that When I start to be silent I'm Angry, Sad, Annoy or Hurt hope they still know that

I really didn't mean to happened that

I saw one flight attendant who was standing on the empty line

"Is this way to Swift Private plane?" I ask softly

"Yes Ma'am follow me" She guide me inside I heard two woman shouting from the back but I ignore that was my wrong I keep ignoring people when I'm hurt, sad, Angry and Etc
I felt I'm a mistake to this world  am I

"TAYLOR WAIT UP!" Selena and Karlie shouted I keep walking until I reached inside the plane
I fix my self to one those seats beside the window and lean my head on

I wish I'm one of those bird who will fly around freely and sing in the morning

I'm tired of this world I need to rest and dream something good and realistic

Footsteps are getting louder I knew it's Selena and Karlie


I keep my eyes close till I fall asleep

That Nerd Is The Princess (Haylor)Where stories live. Discover now