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There is A Maskquared Ball At the Castle
They all invited
They all wear tux, gown/dresses and Mask

Taylor Doesn't approve to this Party but there is nothing she can do

Her bestfriend are really excited to see her

"Ms.Swift come on take a shower and dress up the party will start any minute your dad is ready!" Her nani said softly

"But I dont want to attend this Ball!" She groan

"but you have to Princess"

"Dont call me Princess You know I hate that nani its been a year I alway telling to you to call me Taylor" she remind her

"Fine I'll Call you Taylor but you'll take a shower and dress up Im going to call your stylist" she left the room

She did what her nani said


Harry was having a trouble with his hair

"Harry you look fine with your hair stop combing!" Liam said boys laught

"Shut up I need to look handsome when I meet the Princess"

"in your dreams Styles" niall said

"There is no chance even news about her none!" Louis said

"awww our mop head is inlove!" Liam tease


"Taylor!" 4 of them Answer and laught

"C'mon lets go we dont want to be late wear your mask maybe you'll meet destinies!" Harry said walking away

-At the ball-

"Oh god Im so excited to meet the Princes!" On of the guest said

"She ware mask so we wouldnt see her!"

"But she'll sing tonight"

"Its on the performer list"

This chapter is boring!
Sorry guys I haven't update a whie
Being in Section 2 is kinda hard all I need is to focus on the topic like Math and Physic
But I try to update as I can same to my other book

So thanks for your votes

Love ya guys
Thank you
                              -El xx

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