Twenty Three

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Andrea's Pov

"Scott you shouldn't shout on Taylor!" I scolded were here at his office while seating talking maybe not talking we are fighting!

"I can do whatever I want Andrea" he fired back giving me a death glare

"Why do you have to be so ass and don't act like a child cause your not anymore you should know what your doing! Apologized to Taylor" I raise my voice I can't help it
Its just wrong

"Don't you tell me what will I do! Your not my mother or anything"  Im not anything to him?

"ANYTHING? HAH! I'M STILL YOUR WIFE" He look at me angrily

"YOUR MY WIFE BUT YOU LEAVE!" He knows the reasons why

"I LEAVE BECAUSE YOU CHEATED!" Anger took over me I never been like this since we last fight that day I leave

"I- NO DON'T THINK ABOUT TO SAY THOSE WORDS IM SICK OF THIS!" I Cut him of while I throw my both hand on the air and walk out

"Andrea!" I turn he was standing

"Im sorry" I look at him on his eyes this time he was crying so do I.
maybe this is the right time to forgive him for Alison's Sake

"I'm sorry I cheated I'm sorry for being bad husband and I'm sorry for not giving you a chance to see Alison forgive me" he cried more I walk to him slowly when I reach in front of him standing opposite of him
I touch his right cheek cares softly then hug him tightly he hug back

"I forgive you Scott even it's hurt too much I forgive you always remember that" I pull away then wipe his tears

"I still love you Scott"
"I still love you too I never stop" He answered back


Selena's POV.

I walk pass the door of King Scott I heard shouting inside
Is he fighting with someone I lean on the door slightly yo hear who It was

"Why do you have to be so ass and don't act like a child cause your not anymore you should know what your doing! Apologized to Taylor" a woman voice said


Is that Ms.Finlay?

Many thoughts running around my mind I listen the whole conversation but I heard something that emphasized the sentence







Ms.Finlay was the mother of Taylor
Is she the Queen?
Is this true!?


Uncl-King Scott cheated





Cool! I didn't know Kings Cheated too awesome!

Not really

"I- NO DON'T THINK ABOUT TO SAY THOSE WORDS IM SICK OF THIS!" I think this is the end of fight between of them
I hurriedly go to Karlie and tell her what I heard while I go she was totally shock but we keep it secret between us! No one will know Ok?

Can you keep a secret readers?
And don't tell Taylor she might broke down eh

"Where is Taylor?" I ask while eating my fries yay!

"With her one and only St-" she was cut of by Taylor putting her left hand on Karlie's mouth

"Don't think say anything and I have to tell you something guys" she said happily

"We end up together were good" she directly said with not stuttering

"SHUT UP!" Opss I didn't mean to said that hehehe

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to said that and I'm happy to know you two are good did you already lost your virginty today?" I ask seriously im really happy about Taylor hope he will he never hurt her

Karlie Gulp

"You did?" Karlie ask looking at her

"No, ofcourse not!"

"Just joking"

"Hahaha funny Gomez you the best joker" note: sarcasm

"Thank you Swift"

"Selena Heard something about your-Hey do you want to Shopping tomorrow guys" Giving her a Glare

They both nod

"That's good

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