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"WAKE UP GIRLS" Selena shouted holding a mega phone

"What up with the mega phone!" Me and Karlie groan

"Wake up Uncle Scott want us to meet him in her office" I got up walk in the bathroom to take a bath

When we are all done

Oh yeah! I forgot my eyeglasses

I run upstairs and grab it


"Let's go!" Selena Drove off to Dad's Office

I got out the car followed by Karlie and Selena we walk inside the building

"Goodmorning ma'am may I help you?" Receptionist ask

"We had an appointment with Mr.Swift" If in business they call dad Mr.Swift but in Royal Business they call Him King Scott

"Thid way ma'am" she guide us to his office oh we also use elevator ✌ :)

I enter first the office followed by Sel and Karlie

Dad was standing facing the big transparent window


"Good afternoon girls how was the girls night?"

"It's really fun uncle you wont believe Taylor fell on the chair!" Karlie said then laugh she became hyper and talkative

"Hahaha so is still hurt Tay!" Dad ask

"Nope Im good!" We all sit on the sofa

"I call all of you here because-"

Knock from the door interrupt


"Come in"

"You had a meeting in 20 sir with Des Styles" his assistant inform

Des Styles?
Is that Harry's Dad

"Ok thank. Continue. Your here because-" i cut him off

"Who is the Des Styles?" I curiously ask

"He was one of my best friend and business partner" he explained

"Sadly Des and his family move out in America" he added

"Ohh ok" we all said

"So about why you here is you need t-" His assistant knock again

"C'mon stop cutting me off!" He irritated said throwing his hands on the hair 3 of us laughs at my fathers action

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