Fifty Four

195 9 2

  I like to think That I am normal person as good as anyone

 "Couzz Let's go" I look at him confused

 "Where?" I ask

 "To your damn home" he chuckle

 "You wont give up dont you?" I smirk 

 "Nope" popping the 'P' sounds

 "Ok wait til next week ok?"

 "What the fudge? Next week? Freaking next week?! No I want it now"


 "Don't be such a baby! C'mon pack your things we will be out in a minute" He said with stubborness

 I know he's annoyed because of me

 "Please don't make me angry right now Luke please let me be here for some times" I grinned my teeth and beg him in pleases with patience 

 "Fine! But come with me in New York and let me tour you there with boys!" I look at him with excitement this is gonna be fun

!"OK LET ME PACK MY THING- OH SHIT I DONT HAVE CLOTHES WITH ME!" I hurriedly said like panicking 

 "That is fine we will go shopping when we got there borrow my t-shirt and jacket first ok?" He smiled toward me with proudnes

 "Your the best cousin Luke that's why I love you the most!" I hug him he wrap his hand around tightly 

 "Im thankful to be your cousin Taylor let me be the person who take care of you like you did to me before when I need someone" He said softly im so speechless

 "I-erm Luke-" we pulled away 

 "I know I know I love you too couzz" he kiss my cheeks and wink like an idiot

 "Hey! Stop doing that!" I giggle

 "Im happy too that I make you happy even its not enough and making you laugh even its not funny just try to be your self ok? Im here for you!" He cares my cheeks and remind me with his words I smiled again 

 "Yeah yeah your right but its really lame joke and but a happy memories yoh twin couz your a peguin remember?" I laugh out loud as he give me pout face like a 4 years old

 "Whatever Unicorn get ready waiting you outside and gonna get a cab" he wave at me

 "Yeah Thanks!"  

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