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King Scott Pov...

"So Ms.Jenner Tell me A reason why did you do that?"

no answer

"Tell me!" I almost shout

"Ok your exspelled for 2 weeks I also told your parent you won't go to school for 2 weeks you may go now"

"But Si-sir You can't do that!" She shout

"Dont ever shout on me have some respect! and ,That is the only thing Ms.Jenner" She stomp out the room angrily

I rush to clinic

"Taylor how's your feeling" I ask and kissed her forehead

"Sir I should take a leave" Harry said I thank him

"Dad Im sorry!" She hug me and sob on my chest

"Shhh Its ok they just don't know my babygirl Im the one should saying sorry Im sorry Taylor" I hug tightly

"Wanna Go home?"

She nod and I saw Karlie and Selena

"Uncle Is Taylor ok now? How is she?" they ask

"She is fine Taylor had injured in left arm"

"Can we come to your mansion after school?" "Sure"

Taylor and I go home so she can take a rest ....

short chapter
How's the chapter 7? and this ??
hope you like it :)

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