Fourty Seven

215 13 1

Taylor Selena and Karlie decide to eat dinner first before going to Selena's house

They were looking a the menu Haven't decide anything to eat

"What we should order guys?" Selena ask because of frustration

Karlie answer her simple


"Huh? Happiness is that a food?" Taylor chuckled

" you were asking me what we should order you didnt bother to say if it was a food" Karlie smirk

"C'mon Karlie not now" we laugh

"No way! Guys have you heard there was a new guy student at school!" Selena got a notification from the school Facebook page

"And who is that guy"

"His name is Austin Lee Finlay, 15 years old, height 5'9, Has a blonde hair, and wait! he's Ms.Finlay Son?" I look at her "let me see" I took her phone and scan the screen

"Gosh! He look like you Tay!" Karlie gushed then I notice Selena become silent

"Hey Sel are you ok?"

"Actually I need to tell you somthing about your father" she briefly let out a sigh

"My father? What is it?"

"I heard y-" My phone ring causing Selena stop

"Go answer it" I nod

No one's POV...

Call from Harry Styles

Accept or Decline

T- Taylor H- Harry

T- H-hello

H- T-taylor Im sorry please forgive me I was forced of someone ( he sob )

H- Im so sorry. I love you Taylor I'll do anything just to forgive me

T- Harry I-

T- lets stop this Harry! J-just leave me alone! Stay away from me for good please I dont want to be hurt. Im hurt enough to realize I was naive girl who fall inl-love on you

H- I want you. I want us. I want it all with only you Tay ( wispher)

T- please Harry stop (she let out a small cry after that she hang up not wanting to hear his words causing her to break down at the wrong time)

Karlie Came to stand beside her and hug her they were outside of the restauranf

"Shhhh Everything will be fine Tay he's not worth, remember the The pain is the best teacher your learning how to be more strong to face you fear and pain comes"

That Nerd Is The Princess (Haylor)Where stories live. Discover now