Fifty Three

207 10 5

5 day later

I skip school for 5 Days spending my time walking around ejoying my self alone

Im thinking about remember that sometimes bad things have to happen before good things can which is true

I know one of the most expensive things I could ever do is pay attention to the wrong people.
But its my thing I get used to it I dont even know why

No matter how good or bad I think life is, wake up each day and be thankful for life. Someone somewhere else is fighting to survive. I tried but I failed all the time Im weak enough to fight who I really am and Who I really Wanna be

Be myself no matter what they say. Its wasnt me anymore Im different at all

"Couzzz!!!" I turn around and a tight hug jerk me backward

"Ouch!" A brunnte girl infront me still im on a hug

"Luke? Who is she?" She ask rudely

'Luke who bla bla' I mimick

"she was my counsin Taylor this is Arzaylea. Arzaylea this is Taylor" he introduce me and her I give my hand for a shake hand but she just stare on it I pull away

"Why are you even here Luke" I directly said

" I stay here for a while with Arzaylea then I saw you!" I ignore his sentence but he followed

"Everyone are worried sick about you TayTay go back home Uncle Scott dont know what do anymore" he said

"Wait what? Scott the King? Who is she?" Arzaylea ask am I right?

"A Princess" her eyes wide

"Ok need to go! I dont wanna hear thing about everyone right byee"

"No Tay come with us lets go back to your family"

"Not now Lukeyy Bye love ya little couzzz"

He let out a sigh

"Wont leave you here Couzz I stay we will stay"

"No go home with Arzaylea she's probably scolded at you why you stay here" I walk

"Noooo way"

"Let her be Luke lets go"

"Go and I'll stay with my cousin"

"Is that you want Bye" Arzaylea left and drove away with Luke's car

"Why did you do that! Go follow her" I slap his chest and Chuckle

"She can take her self"

"Yeah Whatever Peguin"

"Heyyy! Dont call me that nerd"

We keep calling names to each other
And Be happy for a night with my cousin I miss him so much

Mairy_K4 idea will be soon out yay
Thanks for the Idea Mate Ilysm!💕💕

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