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No one's POV...

King Scott and Ms.Finlay came out from the office while she was begging King Scott to meet her daughter the 4th Subject just end at the same time
Everyone was confuse there arguement turn to a sync. Everyone are watching and listening

King Scott lookef at Selena with wide eyes

As he know they be back from Hawaii next week he want to end the argument but its too late

"Stop it Andrea stop this nonsense!" He shouted on him making her walk backward

"This is not n-nonsense its about my d-daughter!"

"Why can you just let me see my daughter?"
Mr.Scott cut her off Ms.Finlay was already crying


"JUST LET ME SEE HER THAT'S ALL! I miss my Daughter if you only knew" she break down

Everyone was gasp

"Dad?! WHAT? H-HOW COU-" A Woman voice from the crowd yelled

There was Taylor standing with confused look

"My Ch-" Ms.Finlay said

"SHE WA-" her father cut her

"Guards get her out of here" Guards start to pull Taylor off but they failed she jerk away and walk to her father

"Your a lier Dad!" She angrly said

"Taylor! GO home!" He shouted to his daughter

"Dont shout on her!" Andrea Defend Taylor

"ALL THIS YEAR WITHOUT MY MOTHER YOU SAID SHE CHEATED SHE FUCKING DIE! ALL YOUR REASON WAS ALL A LIE" she back away a little to have a distance from her parents

"I cheated? BUT your the who do that right?!" Andrea said with disbelief

"I Tay-" he run out of words

"How could you tell her that Im happy without her without a mother? How can I be happy when I grow up with all your lies and commands! How?!" She push her father while crying

"And you! How can you not fight for me?! " she point to her mother whose sobbing and she really want to hug her daughter

"I t-tried b-but your father separate us I try to get you he put me in Jail! For kidnapping you its all his fault" she reasonable said

"Dont blame me all your wrong cause its all started to you!" He pull Andrea's hair

"STOP! YOU NEVER BEEN A GOOD FATHER TO ME maybe you shouldn't call me a daughter anymore Im done with shits! Starting NOW! YOUR NOT MY FATHER ANYMORE!" She walk backward then turn around

Everyone was Silent

"But there was a proof she cheated!" Scott words echoed

"Austin Finaly was her son" he added and ready to leave but Andrea can'y take anymore drama

"AUSTIN IS YOUR SON! TAYLOR HAS A BROTHER!" She break down Taylor and Scott turn to look at the woman crying on the floor

"M-my son?" But Taylor Ignore and left the school

Scott Was hesitating to comfort, help, hug or leave Andrea

He knows every mistakes, and  problem was his fault

Harry try to catch Taylor up but he didnt her mates stop him

"Hazza! " Louis Shout.
"What?!" They sit in the cafeteria

Everyone start to talk what happened awhile ago

"I-I can't believe Taylor was the Princess!" Liam said Harry run her finger through his hair

"There are Selena and Karlie CoMing!" Niall Nudge at him

"Talk them" Louis Suggest

Selena and Karlie came with a sad and worry into there eyes

"Not now look at them lets cheer them up yeah?" Louis and Liam nod excepr for Harry with his deep thoughts

"We will cheer them up mate stay here" 3 of the boys stand and walk to Selena and Karlie

The End

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