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"who are you?" 

Don't you remember me Tay?" He Laugh then three boys came with a red cup on their hand

"n-no? may I ask your Name?" He was cut of by A boy with short hair dirty blonde "Luke! we didnt know you got a chick there"

" Shut up Ash" They start cheering up

"if you excuse me I need to go" I start to walk then he stop me by holding my wrist

He said "Hey It's  Luke. Luke Hemmings remember Im your cousin on Father side" Luke does he mean he was my Little Lukey

"Lukey? Is that really you!? " My eyes wide and imidiately hug

"yed Princess Taytay" he smirk

We hug eachother while jumping like a little kids who doesn't saw each other for age

"you grown up so fast! And you had a nice handsome face what have you done to my lukey! Luke! " I fakely cry

"I didn't  do anything to your Lukey it was still me! Nice Tay you never changed even one percent! " He laugh

"ehem-ehem" three men fakely cough behind him

"ah sorry boys I foget that you were there"he appoligise

"you always forget us"

"hey Im sorry promise this would be the last" they pink promise

"so this is Ashton, Calum, and Michael and Boys this is my Cousin Princess Taylor" He introduce

"shhh stop saying Princess remember thr royal secret" I wispher that make him a peace sign

"its pleased to meet you your highnes" They bow I laugh at their action making this sync as a formal once

"its pleased to meet you tok Call me Tay" they grin

"join us Tay were having a bonfire beside the beach"

"Sure! it would be fun"! i let out some giggle

"we also Invite two girls that we met while ago"

"I hope I'll  get along with them"

How's the chapter guys!?
Sorry if I don't  update thid past days
My phone is broken
So I have to use computer just to update
hope you like it guys 😀😀

That Nerd Is The Princess (Haylor)Where stories live. Discover now