Thirty Four

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We just finished check some test paper by now
We headed to the cafeteria Harry Won't stop being Bully and Sweet to me

"Come on Taylord we should get some food before the cafeteria get loaded of student" he sweetly said to my ears

"Don't call me that you Hairy!" I tease him

"Hairy? Im not!" He whined

"Go get me some salad and Coke" I command

"Aye aye Captain!" He fakely do how sponge bob does

He came back with our food

I won't planning to tell Harry about that Called "Vacation" at Hawaii that wasn't a big deal
I do trust him not to cheat on me while I am chillin' somewhere

"Taylord tell why you got detention this past hour" I frown to him he mouthed sorry

"Wanna skip some subject today?" He proposed

"And where we going?"

"Somewhere that only you and I can spend time"

"Seriously Hairy where?" I'm in my period people so? Yeah

"In the woods? Near the lake"

"Don't tell were going to swim" please dont please dont

"Yeah were going to swim"

"What noo Im on my period Harry"

"Oh sorry lets go somewhere than In the wood"

"I know where" I give him a famous mischievous smirk of mine

"Oh Fudge Tay We wont do that!" He back away

"C'mon it will be fun!" I drag him
To his car


Thank you guys for 4k reader
Thank you so so much🙌🙌😘😘😭😭


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