Sixty One

269 11 9

My father stood there start to scolded like a child it gets me annoy but still used to it even were infront of many people

"STOP!" I shouted at him

"Stop" i wispher he tried to talk again but this time i put my bothe hands up saying to stop

"Im sick of this father let me be who I really am for once will you?" I said with frustration

My heart beat beats faster

Something is wrong

I look around i saw a man with black suit he was position himself with his gun that point to us. To dad

I gasp

"Aliso-" a gunshot echoe that was cut off by his words

"Watcha out" i run toward him praying it wasn't to late

Yeah it wasn't too late i save him

Pain rush through my chest then my body turn weak as I slowly fall on the floor


As I felt him carry me while crying everyone was crying

"Dad p-please-" he cut me off

"N-no we can lose you Princess"

"You wont dad" i look up to Harry whose looking me crying

"H-hey come here you idiot" i laugh even there was pain he came closer then hold my both hand

"Remember i never stop l-loving you also all of you"

"Don't say that your going away right" Harry said while he cares my cheacks

"H-hope so i w-ont but maybe its t-time"

"We will get you out of here Ali you will lived i promise" Andrea said to her daughter hugging gently

"I love you all and please remember and please tell Karlie and Selena they were the best best friend I had and i love them so much" my breath start to hitch i know its time

My eyes start to close slowly as they all cry telling me to stay awake but im tired

Its time to go

The end

That Nerd Is The Princess (Haylor)Where stories live. Discover now