Fifty Six

191 12 3

"She wasn't here! Just leave!" I heard Luke shout outside

"We saw her with you when you came here to New York" a Man voice said

"No she wasn't if you all excuse Im going" he came inside the room and shut the door immidiately

"Whose that?" I sit up on the bed

"We need to go your father's people are here!" He said

"But now. You need to hide first in the closet in the bathroom go!" He guide a  loud bang on the door echoed the room

I run the closet

You can hear the sound of the heavy footsteps and things has been open and close

"I told you she wasn't here!" Luke repeated said with frustration

"Really? Then lets look through the bathroom!" Another man said

"No dont!" He stop but they still came in

I had my self and try not to move they search until they stop

"None Sir!"

"I told you she wasn't here!" I peek a little and see that he start to kick them out of the door after that he sit down on the floor then run his fingers on his hair because of frustration

I cane out

"Are you ok?" I concernly said he smiled to me

"Yes perfectly fine unicorn" he laugh

"Stop it Lukey! Tell me if your tired because of me maybe I'll fly back to England" I softly said the  walk toward him and sit beside

"Hey! Im not tired you know you make me feel strong and happy when Im with you couz so dont think anything like that!"
He cares my cheeks

"Everything is fine cousin" he comfort

"Thank you for everything Luke" I hug him tightly

I dont know how can I pay all the things he did to protect and make me happy

Luke is the best cousin I had in my life


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