Fourty Six

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We arrive to the England Interntional Airport ( never mind the airport name I made name for it)

"Omg Do you know Ariana Grande?" Karlie look through her phone

"Yes? She is a singer right?" She show a picture of Ariana

"What about that?" Selena ask

"Ariana always Order herself, look!" We at Ariana whose holding a StarBucks

"Shut up Karls dont make fun of people right now" I said

"Why?! Im just telling the truth Ariana Grande order a size of coffee called 'Grande'" This girl will die because of laughing

She can stop laughing her ass off (LMAO sorry about it Ariana is Great Singer)

"C'mon hear some of my jokes just one" She give us a pupoy eyes

Were at Selena's family car heading to their House

"When your jokes doesnt funny, you'll cook our favorite cookies for one week!" Selana offered a deal so Karlie Nod


"Here. If Avril Lavingne ran for College they will call her Avril La-dean though she was an arstist it will be Avril La-seen you know she was a great great singer since She was Avril La-teen" Selena Start to laugh while me watching them

"C'mon Tay laugh just once!" Karlie Groan out I let out a sigh

"Remember the deal Kloss" She Remind

"One more! Lets use Kendall and Kylie for a Character K?"


"Kendall: Do you like the dinner I made last night? Then Kaylie said: That thing called food? She ask then Kendall Answer: that thing we had last night is a sex? Kylie look at her then say: that was great babe" me and Selena look to each other

"How was it?" Karlie worriedly ask

"That was a lame! Its not a joke Karlie" I chuckle

"Atleast I made you two happy!" She defend

"Aww Karls thanks " we hug her

"One more?" She smiled widely

"Nooo way!"



"Here I Go?"

"Put your hands on your ears Karlie's lame Jokes were going to be announced" Selena Said put her hands on her ears we laugh our ass

"Fine no more jokes but later yeah"

"Yeah! Opps I mean noo" I joked out

"Ehh Tay!"

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