Twenty Five

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Harry ask me out again
At the first I Hesitate to answer him but it turn out to a good one

I just really need someone to be with me maybe

Dad still don't know about this if he know this his going to give Harry a threat or treated him! -_-

Dad hadn't disagree about the fix marriage that proposed to him

I just wanna live to be one of the normal teen age and fall in love to a bad boy nor good once

I wanna try this one

"So Ms.Taylor ready to go?" Harry ask with a gentleness

"Sure, But what is the use of that basket?" I ask simple point at the basket that he was holding

"We're going to a picnic" he place the basket at the back. start the engine and start to drive

"At night? That's ridiculous Mr.Styles" I complain

"Yeah, but its romantic at night like were going to wait the beautiful sun rise then kiss like some stories we hear when were kids" he was right maybe I haven't experience that before! Picnic with family nor parents telling their children some stories

"I haven't experience any of that!" I sadly said he look at me and lick his lips

"That is OK! But you will experience that! Live young Taylor do what ever you want! I'm here you help you to do it!" He said cheering me up I smiled

" You sure?"

"Yes I am sure and there no reason for saying no to an innocent girl in front of me" he grin and hold my hand to intertwined
I didn't stop him for doing that because I like it too

"Thank you Harry if you just know everything" I Thank him for good

Im really thankful for having him into my life even its was short cause sooner everything will be gone turn to a memory to me
Everything will changed
Everything wouldn't be the same

Guys what you think about this short boring chapter?

Please help me I don't know what to write anymore
I'm running out of Idea! Help😭😭

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