Fifty Five

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We fly to New York secretly we
used his Private plan for good

It was a good idea to go on New York with Luke and had fun for few days forget what happened this past days

"Hey Tay! Wanna hear some famous jokes of Hemmings?" Luke approach me

"Ok? But let me sleep after the jokes Im tired!" I groan and Lied on my hotel bed

"Your always tired you know?" He laugh

I hit his arm then rolled my eyes

"Not always just sometimes!" I mock at him

"Ok here is my joke!"

"Three guys stranded on a desert island find a magic lantern containing a genie, who grants them each one wish. The first guy wishes he was off the island and back home. The second guy wishes the same. The third guy says: ‘I’m lonely. I wish my friends were back here." He started laughing his ass

"That not make any sense plus it wasnt you original joke dub you just read it on the internet" I gigled and start to kick him out to my hotel room

"Get out now Hemmings joke show is done bye bye" I push him out

"Yeah yeah I'll make a revenge Swift you'll see!" He give me a defeat face then laugh with evilness

"Dont even think about it you'll lose again Peguin Night nighg love ya baby!" He give a sigh and left

"Love ya too Unicorn Have A Bad Dreams" I was about to throw a slipper on him when he run inside his room

"Tsk tsk" I shake my head then go back to my bed and have a slumber sleep

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