Fifty Eight

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"Mom how can I be a duke I dont even know how!" I walk back and fourth dont know what do to its frustrating me

"Calm down son sit beside me let tell you about your father!" I follow what she said as Gemma plop on the other couch

"Once that your Father became a Duke everyone was happy even the King. King Scott and your Father Desmond are bestfriend they trust each other for the long time but when King Harris came everything became chaos mant people died that includes you father" she said

"They were bestfriend?" Gemma rose up

"Dad was a Duke?"

"Yes" she simply answered

"But dad died why King Scott didn't" she look at me sadly

"He sacrifice his life for the king and the people of this country as the Duke" she sadly said and continued

"King Scott wants to release a --- to King Harris because what he have done isnt forgiven and right but he cant he dont have any proof" I hug mom

" what did he do?"

"King Harris Killed you father" she cry to my shoulder
I circled my hand on her back to comfort

"We will get the justice to what they done to Dad I promise mom"

"Dont do anything or have a revenge it make you look dirty and bad to the people's eyes if they all know please Harry" she beg

"I will not mom I'll just show them its all wrong!"

"Doesnt king know were here?" Gemma Blurt out

"No. As The King knows that Desmond family has left the country Scott didnt continue the Arrangement" I look at her confuse


"Scott became angry for a reason that you cant know my child not now"

"Tell me the arrangement? Who was been arrange with? " I cut mom off as Gemma glared at me

"You and the Princess" that hits me I was arrange with Taylor

I stand and walk toward the table to grab my key

"Sit Harry and Listen for the whole story?" Gemma scolded

"I dont need to know the whole story I already figure it out like now"

"No I know what you thinking my son its not what you think" she look down to her lap

"Then what is it?"

"He hate us for what your Dad did. He Arrange the Princess to The Harris Son before that the Queen leave the castle-" she stop to her sentence and look at me sad

"Andrea come to me and told everything was Scott did to her every pain that she been through So I let her live to our house in Los Angeles"

"What did King Scott did?" My curiousty eat me that what I hate my self sometimes

Gemma was sitting there with open ears listening carefuly like Baby

I laugh at her as ge caught me she give me another glared

"Scott start to Hurt Andrea when she caught him cheating at her" that made me gulp

"Stop cutting Mom Harry! Let her finish the story" I rolled my eyes toward her


"Me and Andrea are bestfriend since we are baby I remember how we climb the tree and play on the mountain grass" she smiled

"That what Taylor didn't used to do when she was little because the fight between his Father and Mother affect her life so much the end"

"That is the story for today" Gemma groan

"That was not was supposed end" mom laugh and stand leaving me with many question

"Mom Can I ask a question"


"Is there any possibilities that Taylor and I be arrange again"

"I- I dont know" she worriedly said

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