Thirty Five

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"What the fuck are we doin' here? You know this is trespassing" He whisper wanting to go run back making me smile to his action

I pull him inside the building in front of us our shadows are reflecting on the ground its already night I dont if we took a long trip to go here at least I had a memorable memories in his car like stole kisses, singing like crazy while dancing on the beat of music and laughing with some his Famous Jokes even not

"Hello Casper! Can we go to the board meeting room" I ask Casper whose guarding the building everynight

Actually this building is one of my Father Property

"Sure Princess but you should lock it after going that ok?" He give me the key he said "Princess" making me my heart beat fast

"Princess?" Harry ask confusely

"Oh yeah that's what he called since we met because....." I don't know what to say

"I call her Stubborn Princess then it turn Princess so yeah" Casper reasonable said
I let out a relief thanks to him

I smiled at him as he did the same while dragging Harry in the 23th floor on the board room

We stop on the front of Transparent glass looking out to those beautiful light outside and shining stars on the sky

We intertwine our hands

"Look at those house they were like made of paper its small but beautiful"

No one's POV...

"Yeah Beautiful as you" Harry said still staring outside then Taylor stared to his face
She smile how his dimples are deep his green eyes were shining under the dark and his curls are perfectly suit on him

"You know its rude to stare Ms.Taylor" he chukle while Taylor Blush

"I'm just amaze on you" she admit he turn his head to her

"Remember this I always Love you whatever happens" he pinch Taylor's nose

"I do too" Giving him a sweet kiss on his lips made him grave more and more turn to be a make out

"This is one of my Best Day Harry Thank you. You make me feel as a normal person"

"No Thank you Taylor you changed me and make me realized my wrongs but I need to tell you something..."

"What is it? Don't make worry Hairy" she worriedly ask


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