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I woke up in the morning with sunlight in my eyes
I do my Morning routines

When I was done I directly come down to eat Father wasn't there so Im alone
The car ride was fast
I came to school early to read some books at the library while waiting my girls to come

Oh yeah I forgot

We fight yesterday

But It wasn't my fault I wont take advantage to them but sometimes I have to

I scan through the corridors I found some Few pupils whose standing by their locker getting their stuff, making out and etc what do you ussualy see in morning of in school
I thinks its different right? right!

A tap on my shoulder I turn

"Um Hi Goodmorning Ms.Finlay" I greet her

"GoodMorning Taylor" She greet back

"Could you help me to check some answer sheets in Office its ok if you can't" She ask I smiled to her

"I will help you Ms.Finlay"

"Thank you your such a good student" she thanks me the walk with Ms.Finlay to her Office

I look around the room its neat and clean but the only thing caught my eyes is a picture frame of a Family

I blink 3 times I can't believe what I saw

Is this real or a dream?

I walk toward where the picture frame placed its on Ms. Finlay's Table

I hand it and stare at the moment

Its Ms.Finlay and her Daughter but she hasn't have son in the picture there is a boy who sit beside the kid
Wait! Freeze!

"Its Dad?" I whispher I gaze on Ms.Finlay

Who stared at me

"What you say dear?" she ask walking toward me

"Oh nothing Ms its really beautiful with your family" I lied

"Ohh Its My Daughter a-and---"

She cut off

"And???" Couriousty took over me

"Ms Finlay Mr. Swift wan't to talk to you for a moment" One of the student rushing and said


"Maybe we can do this later shall we go" She said smiling at me

"Can I come with you?"

"Sure thing"

We walk toward the gym where dad standing in the middle of the court

"GoodMorning Mr.Swift" We greet dad

"G-good Morn-ning Ms.Finlay and Taylor" Dad greet back at the end of his sentence he fake cough

"You ok there Mr.Swift?"
"Im ok"

"You should go first Taylor so we can talk privately" I leave two of them I glance one more they look cute eh

Stop Taylor Its your dad and Teacher

But Siriously They're cute couple

Now Im laughing Alone like an Idiot!

I was in the 3 building

here comes Karlie and Selene I starting to avoid them but they totally did the same

I really dont care

That Nerd Is The Princess (Haylor)Where stories live. Discover now