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Were in the middle of the class
Were all bored and also tired of everything We Wait for Teacher Hasn't Done lecturing until the Bell ring they all rush out of the room leaving me alone But I notice someone staring at me not even a blinking his eyes Im Sweating cold
What Am I going To do?

Brain: You Moron Just Run as fast you can out of here

I stood up and walk slowly Toward the door but a raspy voice stop me

"Where You Going?" He ask
My Eyes Wide I slowly turn Around There he was sitting at the back That Curly hair and his green eyes I wouldn't forgot He was the one who talk to me at the old music Room

"Out?" I said pointing Outside

"Join me eat on Launch" He said with smirk on face

" Sorry Sir But I don't Talk stranger"

" Im not a stranger,Im your Classmate" I didn't think of that, Im on The Top 1 Of the whole University but Im moron into this arghhhh

Can i Change my Character please Author!

(Sorry You can't That the only available character hahaha)

What Now Taylor

Heart: go with him

Brain: Don't its only a prank


"Fine I'll Go" I give Up I can feel his Smile grew to his Face

"What Are You smile at?!" I snap at him , then he changed into sirious

We left the classroom

I just keeping distance between us
Every one are looking to us giving me death glare I just ignore them cause they're not worth

"What Is Harry doing with that evil creature!" Someone said I dont blame what am I look like
I Want This Right,? right!
And Whose Harry? nevermind

We reach the FoodCourt

"What Do you like to eat? my treat" He said with british accent

"I can buy on my own sir"He look at me

"No I will buy you food,My treat and my name is Harry, Harry Styles I Dont have time to introduce my self" He Extend his hand for shake hand I just Stare then he pull his hand

Wait?! what!? Harry Styles??!
Is he the one who called me last night?

"You're the one who called me last night?!" I almost shout he smirk then get My tray as he get his and carry to our table we got
How gentle man you are!

We sit Start to eat

"let's play 20 question" He suggest

"Maybe Later all we can for now is Eat Im Hungry" He Laugh

"Don't Laugh if you dont want to lose your shinny clean white teeths!" I warn he just continue eating with smile..

When we finish eating we go back to the classroom
While were walking Harry Tried To sneak around his Arm around my waist but I still pushing it off until we enter the classroom everyone was looking us

"You Two are late and You Ms.Taylor your dad needs to know this kind of sitioution flirting with Mr.Styles" I rolled my eyes walk and sit between Selena and Karlie ingnoring every one

Harry Sit Infront of us

Ouch! Someone throw a paper on my head I get it


"Stay away from my husband you blondie witch!" I dont stole your husband your to much assuming but it never happend!

Time fast bell ring I got into Karlie's Car driving to her house

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