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Me and Harry Drive to a big fancy Restauran

"Harry T-this is beautiful"

A room with Romantic music
A Table for only two person
With romantic lights and candle
We sit on the chair Harry held the seat for me

We look at them menu

"The price is fortune Maybe I choose the low price"

"No choose what you like I'll pay for it and Your beautiful tonight Taylor and Stunning" I blush lightly

"You dont look bad to yourself" I complain back

The waiter came

"What are your order sir and maam"

"Pasta, Salad and the drinks is Coke"

"Make it two orders but my drink is Wine" Harry Said

"It'll be serve in 5 minute please wait" Waiter walk away

"You look pretty without those glasses You should barely dont wear it"

"Thank but Im not used to wear contact lense"

"Ohh ah um- Taylor I really like you since the day I met you but I dont know how to tell you this Wi-" He was cut by the food are serve we thank them

"What are you going to say again" He like me I know but is he going to ask me?

"Nothing lets just enjoy the food shall we"

"We shall This is great I love it" I said

We talk about things like sports, education etc. Except  family

"Were done now lets go some where!" He exclaim and drive to A Park?

Yeah Park

"I ussualy come here when I have problems or things"

"probabbly you look tired we should go" I ask

"We can stay for a bit"

"TAYLOR!" a guy shouted

"Whose that?"

He came toward us

"May I help you sir?" Harry Ask simply

"Im Calvin Taylor's Fi-"

"He is My Cousin" I cut him off

"I didn't know you had A Cousin- Prince!" Harry said

"Nahh Its just happened" I look at Calvin with frown while he look us confuse

"Totattly she is ly-"

"We should go Harry see you soon Calvin"

"Wait What your dating are you?"

"Yes We are so if you'll excuse us" Harry said rudely

We hop inside the car
The who ride was full of silent

"Where is your house"

"take turn left to the 3rd street and right to the first one" I said I dont really tell him where is my real destination I drive him where the castle was near by

"So here" He came to open my car

"Thank you Harry for tonight I-i had fun Maybe we should do this other tims again" I said and kiss his cheeks I feel butterfly in my stomach his Green emerald eyes shine under the moon look to my blue ocean once

"So date again Other time huh? Thank you for letting me date you, I like you Taylor so much"

"I like you too" I lean to him, Our nose was touching until my lips atouch to him we move in sync for 6 second then pull off

Our Hands are interwine I walk

"See you ay school styles" I said

"See ya love" Then he drove away and me I run through the side walk to go home 2Street away from the Mansion

All night I think about Harry

How's the chapter guys??
Im not good in dating things sorry Im really sorry
I never experience it so im not good sorry

-El xx

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