Forty Four

201 12 15

"Lets swim M' bored all day sitting here. Watching Tv" Karlie grab her swim suit then Selena do the same so I do too


"I was curious to that decorated opened venue over there!" I said pointing to it

"Oh that maybe someone reserved that for a date" Karlie Answer


We swim and splash a water to eachother

This I was waiting for a long long time to be happy. A Memorable moment with my Bestfried I hope It happen this too with my family

"Ahh dont!" I swim away from them while laughing

"Nooo" I turn my head to the venue one last time I saw a familiar hair back to the balcon

"I wish this day will never end" Cara Shortly breathe

"This was one of our best moment guys this would happen again"

"Will even promise it will happen in the feauture?"

"We promise"

"I love you guys!" We hug as we continue splashing the water " we love you too always" We laugh to our childish

"Look at him he seems so familiar!" I look at Cara and Selena they swallow their saliva

"U-m yeah right! H-he was familiar wit-" Selena stutter but Cut her off

"Bradley! Bradley Simpson from the Vamps Right!" She is right!

"Year Brad he look like Brad" they were hiding something

Silence for a second

"Lets go back to our rooms yeah?" They announce and nod



"Guys look at that! It was so beautiful!" I said to Selena And Cara

"Lets check it shall we" I jump into excitement

"Sure!" Both me and Cara exclaim

We walk to it
There was a boy and A Girl
They were eating together
How sweet I hope me and Harry do kind of things too

I can see the girl face and The boy's bacm was facing us he has a curly Hair

"They're sweet!" Cara said

"Yeah your right" the boy stand still cant see his face he ask the girl for dance

"Aww they gonna Dance!" Selena said we still stand here watching

He make the girl turn around then they slowly dance so sweet

But not expecting the boy she was dancing with

"Harry?" Cara and Selena Whispher

They stop dancing

He look at me like he saw a ghost

The girl start to ask if he ok
I froze where Im standing

The girl look at me

I know Im a naive girl who will fall inlove to a Playboy

I run away Selena and Cara keep calling my name I ignore them but all I can do is run to my hotel room lock up and cry all night

I wish I could just forget this night just this NIGHT.

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