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Hey Guys I dedicate this Chapter to haylorNator thank you for supporting this Story , love ya always -El xx


I was with Karlie and Selena in the cafeteria eating launch both of them enjoying their pasta while Im not my head rested on my forearm hiding my face

"You should Eat Tay" Selena said, I groan
As Karlie Speak next " What is wrong with you?!"

"Its about Harry?" They ask I sit straight fixing my self


"Then what? Tell us so we can help you whatever your Problem is!"

"Its About him, he ask me to be his Girlfriend and Prom Date"

"Girlfriend? Prom Date? Yieeee!!" They both burst out everyone was look at them

"Stop it!" I snap out

"Sorry! Were just happy about that Continue please"

"He ask me I said Y-" Karlie Cut me off by shouting "YES" -_-

"Calm your asses guys"

"How could we cal- continue" selena cut Kalie siriously wanting to know every thing

"Then yeah I said Yes-Stop Laughing!- then he ask me again I repeated my answer everybody was shouting having a riot or whatever it is teacher came at the wrong time" I explain

"Awww he got pissed off girl"

"You should talk to him"

"What if he doesnt want to talk to me?" i sadly said

If he does I regret saying YES

"Umm Tay! He is coming!" Karlie Elbowed me I look at him but he wasn't look at me I felt sadness inside me
Why I even Feeling like this?
I feel like when he was around Im comfortable and Happy but if he wasn't Im sad and missing him around like I can't live without him for a Day is this love that they always say? Am I inlove? Tell me!? Am I? There are spark bet-

"Taylor come back to earth!" She Waves her hand infornt of my face


"You should talk to him!" Selena Said

"Like Now?"

"Yes Now!"

"Go Tay Tay!" Both of them cheered

I walk toward Harry's Table where his gang was with him talking
When I reach his table they all look at me

"Umm- Harry Can we talk?" I ask with hesitant inside me

"I don- Yeah it's I understand" I cut him off and walk away I can still feel he was looking at me

I walked inside of the old music room I need space!

I should do a list how to stay away from Harry
I get my pen and piece of paper.

I wrote down

How to stay away from Harry:

1. Don't talk to him
2. Stay out of his way
3. Ignore him
4. Don't think about him
5. Don't come near him
6. Don't let him get you down!

"Done!" I hope I will follow this list just for one week cause Even my Father's order I can't stand it for one day how Stubborn I am

"Knock Knock"

I looked at the door and saw a curly Head boy


Remember List Number 1, 3, and 6

I stand and I was about to walk outside he grab my arm I can feel there was something a touch on my lips but my Eyes are already close

I realized he was kissing me!
What the fudge!

I push him with all my strength I have but still wouldn't work one more time then it works!

"WHAY THE ACTUALLY FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" I ask while wiping my lips with me handkerchief he stole my first kiss!


"That's was great I didn't know your a great kisser I like it by the way and you have to thank me that I steal your first kiss"

"I hate you so much!" I was abouy to wal out again he do it again

"STOP KISSING ME YOU ASS!" I ready to cry right now

"Aww sorry Please don't cry" he apologized " you said you want talk" he added

You know what I didn't follow the List 1, 3, and 6 how dumb am I

"I change my mind!" I yelled at him

"C'mon One talk won't hurt" does he really want to talk?

"No Im out of here" but this time he doesn't stop me
So guys how the chapter please comment down you complain
Dont be a silent readers guys :(
El xx

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