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Harry POV.

I decide to call Taylor but she wasn't answering

I also ask Sel and Karlie they just said ' We dont know she told us something but not to tell you goodbye!' FUCK! what the hell
What's wrong with those two

She is gonna be my soon to be girlfriend then break hear heart.

But I dont want to! If i could just back off the deal heller!

Hey Tay please Answer my call, Im Sorry if I avoid you.


Taylor's POV....

I checked my phone
23 Missed Call
43 Messages
From Harry

Can't He just Back off for once
He started this make feel im Nothing always
He started to avoid me
Im sick because of him
Im done with this shit!

Knock from door


"Ma'am you have a visitor"

"Who is it?" I groan

"He has a Curly Hair and King Scott is talking to him" she said

"CURLY HAIR" It might be Harry?
Why am I even thinking about that ass arughhhh

Maybe it wasnt Harry doesnt know where I lived since I fake it

Maybe he will visit the Princess Not the nerd one


What if he ask Karlie and Selena
They won't tell to anyone both of them promised they won't tell

"Tell him Im not home if he ask Where, Im in vacation"

"Yes Ma'am"

That Nerd Is The Princess (Haylor)Where stories live. Discover now