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"Good Morning How was your sleep my little girl?" Dad Said with Happy Tone

"Goodmorning too Dad, My Sleep was great, Dont call me little girl Im not that anymore" I said

"Ohh yeah sure You grow up too fast , eat and ready yourself for your school"


"Hey Tay" Karlie Tap my shoulder from behind

Everything here in school seens little change
They all here waiting for someone!? Glaring at the door
Talking the same topic

"You heard it There is a New Teacher" Selena Said I shrugged

"She Was Hot, Beautiful Than our Slut Famous Girl here" Karlie said

"But She Have a Son and She was Single 38 years old woman " Selena added but dad is only 40 years old

"Ohhh" Thats all I say

"Here She comes" Karlie poked my head


I look at the direction of the girl Had a Dirty Blonde and Blue eyes like me but she was sexy as fvck still had a baby face" My Jaw Drop when she was walking to our direction Shit!! Is she going here my feet glued on the floor I Dont know What to do

"Hey There You girl should Close your Mouth before something fly over there" She Smiled at us She was sweet

"Sorry Maam"

"Dont be go to your classes its almost time"She was kind and she remind us we didn't notice the bell eh me karlie and selena rush inside the class room still hasn't coming

Then the girl we saw while ago came Oh God She Was our History Teacher?!

"Is She our History Teacher?" I Whispher to Selene
she just Shruged


All Boys are staring To her drooling


and the girls They were jelous about it

and me. Nothing

"GoodMorning Every One Im Your New Teacher in History and My Name is Andrea Finlay my rules are First Do not be late, No talking to seatmate, You must be aware what will you answer every qouestion I Ask, Listen to all my discussion about our topic and last no flirting in class Understand" She said with strick way Its gonna be fun!!!

"Yess Ma'am" We all answer

"So Our lesson Today is King's Family and Heroes of this country" King's Family

" King blah blah blah etc.". she start the lesson full of dicussion

someone raise a her hand and ask" Why Princess Doesn't Study here?"

"That is the thing we didn't know why?" Heyyy Im studying here as a nerd not Princess

"but her father own this every Teenage wants to study here but her why?!" someone ask again

But I instanly Answer

" Maybe She was studying at home or Her father want to protect her to any harm?"

"How'd you say that?" Ms. or Mrs Andrea? She ask me

"I- ummmm - kringggggggg" The bell save me Thank you Bell

I grab my things and run outside the classroom I glance to Ms,Finlay She was looking at me

I smiled at her she did the same

I Bumped to Harry

" Why Running Babe?" He smirk e

"WHAT?!! NONE YOUR BUSINESS" I glarer at him walk away

Went to the cafeteria found Sel and Karlie sitting to our spot our food was ready.

"Hey Girl" I called them

"Hey Tay How was your History Subject?!" Sel Ask

"Its awesome Ms.Finlay was so strict she kinda stare at me" I said

" Really? I think your her favorite student " Karlie Exclaimed

"Why Can you say that??" I ask

"Shit! I forgot yout Father want's to talk to you and Harry" Ohh yeah

Harry Was Behind me smiling like an idiot

He didnt hear that the "Father"

"Let go together to the office" he offer me I nod walk to the office

There he was sitting with his head press back

" Sit down"

"You know Why your here right?"

"No" I said Yes" Harry said we said in the same time

" because were came late to our classes the teacherwere flirting" He continue I rolled my eyes my father was looking at me

"Why are we here? We choose detention than here!! But our teacher refuse" I rudely said

Harry eyeing me "He was tge king give some respect"

" Are we Done?" I ask

"You can go Mr.Styles but stay Ms.Taylor!" he announced

I stay looking around like nothing happened

"Im so disapoint to what you did and how you answer me while ago! Is that how I teach you being Princess I let you to be one of the nerd but give some respect on me!" my tears almost fall bitting my lower lips

"Why Can't You be a good daughter am I Bad Father?!" I look at him once again

Im so speechless all I can to is walk away again

My tears start to fall again

Oh no! Ms.Finlay saw me crying giving me a symphatic look

Asking me If im ok

"Are you ok Child?" I nod at her
"everything will be fine is King Swift there?" She ask softly

"Yes Ms.Finlay he is inside" She thank me saying see me later

What does she want to Dad?

Scott's Pov...

I lean back my to my chair facing the view Im drowning into stress how can I change my daughter? Its all my fault

There is a woman voice behind saying my name

"Scott?" I turn everything turn to slow

Why is she doing here?

I Cant believe whet am I seeing!?

Continue to next chapter :)
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