Twenty Six

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Me and Harry are lying on the grass while watching the moon together telling some stories about ourselves

He keep stealing some kisses
And his jokes are really funny! I totally laugh even it wasn't really that funny
I smile every time he smile too It's just his dimples are really deep cute
I am falling in love with Harry Edward Styles

This love is good or bad it will never change how I love him

"Taylor some day we will marry each other and watch our children running around the house" he said I loom at him disbelief

"Children? So you want many child eh?" I giggle and play his curls while my head was leaning on his chest

"Yeah if its a girl I would name it Darcy or Alison and when its a boy it would be Lux or Edward maybe Harold!" He exclaim

"Maybe soon Hazz soon"

"But it will happen right?" He hesitantly ask

I wish it will happene

I decide to tell him who am I really am but I'm afraid that he will-

Harry's POV

I really want to tell Taylor about the BET it doesn't make me comfortable I felt guilty!
Its been A years since how felt Happy. Loved and Heaven
That's what Taylor do to me
She made me more crazy for her
I want to change for her

That Nerd Is The Princess (Haylor)Where stories live. Discover now