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3rd Person POV...

As Taylor arrive to England while Luke was riding a plane following her back

Everyone seems shocked when she arrive the news about her has been spread out. She wasn't ashamed too what she have done it was the part of being a woman and a Princess

A car stop infront of her

"Princess Alison" one guys came out from the car and bow to her

"Your father was worried sick about shall I take you home?" It was one of the Guard that she trust and who understand her sometimes but her father assigned the guard to other duty than to guard Alison around always

She nod weakly and came inside the car

But she always felt different when she was home from now on

Tine skip

She walk inside of the Mansion she used live alone
She look up to the second floor amd see the people looking at her too

King Scott
Andrea her mom
And Austin her little brother

She froze at the moment not expecting them to be here

"Taylor" her mother run down the stair and toward her then hug but she seemly not to move

They followed Andrea too

"Taylor where have been?" Andrea cried

"You have no right to run away Alison!" She look at her father with her jaws hang open


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