Twenty Seven

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"How was the Picnic Date Princess Tay Tay" Karlie Teased me again

"It's perfect! For me! I don't if he think the same? And Don't call me Princess Karley!" I simply said its just the Princess Thing!

"Taylor! Taylor! Taylor!" Selena was running to us heavy breathing

"Exhale Sel! Calm down tell us What is it after your Ok"

"I-I- sa-saw! Harr-y with h-er  MOM! Yo-you w-wont believe th-this!" She stuttering

"What about her mom?"

"Its Princess Anne! There was a possibility that Harry might be the King if their Country!" She answer I shook at Harry with a Girl it might be his mom walking toward our direction

"Hey Tay Tay" he happy greet and I smiled to her mom

"Hello Hazza and Hello Mrs.Styles?" I shook my hand for a shake hand I'm surprisely she accept

"Hi Taylor It's nice to meet you, I'm really excited to see you Harry can't stop Talking about you last night" She kindly said while I blush  that's why I don't want to have any boyfriend before I had a problem about blushing instantly even it was a simple compliment

"It's really nice to meet you Mrs.Styles" she hug

"Don't call Mrs.Styles. call me Mom or Anne would be perfect" I look at Harry Blush a little And Selena and Karlie are smiling on us

"Sure thing Mom-Anne?" We laugh


Bell Rings

"Sorry Mom- Anne we need to get in our classes. Its really nice to meet and see you soon Mom- Anne" I waved at Harry and Mrs.Styles Me and the girls run to our History Class

I knock on the door making Ms.Finlay stop

"Your Late Ms.Taylor,Gomez and Kloss where have you been?"

"We're sorry ma'am it wont happy again. We just me Mrs.Styles at the hall" i reasonable said not wanting us to get a detention but Ms.Finlay Never give us one for good even my friend

"Mrs.Styles? Ohhh Ok have a sit three of you if you got 10 times late you'll get your detention but now you only got 4 lates so? Continue our discussion" she scolded us

We shrugged and continue the Long Day of School

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