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Third Person POV...

Scott froze to his sit for the moment and Andrea tried to calm her self


"please sit" Andrea seat where Taylor sit while ago

"What do you wan't? ,Why are you here?!" Scott said

"I want to see Taylor and meet her"

"You Can't! You decide to leave us" Scott almost yelled at her

"because you cheated on me Dont blame everything on me I want to see my Taylor and she has a brother" Andrea Stand walk out the room Scott cant believe he has a Son

"Wait! I have a son?!" But no reply from Andrea

Taylor's POV...

"Karlie! wait up!" Taylor trued to chase Karlie She breath heavely trying to get her normal breathing

Karlie Stop turn walk to Taylor

"Hey Tay watsup?" She ask

"Nothing Im bored Any plans after school?" Karlie Grin

"Yeah were going to eat,shopping with Harry,Liam,Zayn and Sel Ofcourse!"

"Ok I'll call dad later if he can let me come with you"

"I all ready ask Uncle he said YES so Lets go" Karlie Drag me to her Car they already inside and Liam will drive, Nice

We drove to the Mall

We shop, Look around, eat , walk walk until our feets are tired
We decide to go Karlie drop me home last

I enter the mansion

Dad was sitting in the Garden pacio while drinking a teacup enjoying the view and fresh air

I smiled walk to him

"Hey Dad" He look at me smiled

"Sit with me here" He invite me I obey sit with him

"Alison" He called my middle name I hummed


"Do you wan't to see your mother?" I was shock when he ask that like "siriously you kidding?"

"Maybe, I want see her too if its ok To you Why?" I said simple

"Just asking, Go to sleep you have school tomorrow" I go up to my room to change and sleep

Short Chapter guys sorry

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