Fourty Eight

191 12 1

"Just Smile like you never cried and hurt, Fight like you never lost" Selena remind me as she smile then opened the classroom door for me while Karlie was on her Physic subject and me and Sel was in English so Harry would be here any minute

"Nadine and Harry were dating! I cant let the girl take my Harry" one of the girl sitting behind is said

I used to smile when I heard his name but not anymore

He always makes me fell special but I didnt I was anymore

Be smart enough to hold on
Be brave to let go

That what I gonna do today! Now! To let go everything.
to let go of him.

"Hey" Niall Approach me he was Harry's Friend

"Hi Niall" I show my best fake smile

"Im sorry About Harry Did las-" I cut him off

"You shouldn't be sorry Its fine" im not fine at all

"Are you sure?" He give me a  sympathy smile

"Im sure, Im perfectly fine" its a lie I gigle out then the door swung open revealing Harry
He walk inside

"I should probably go back to my sit Bye Taytay" He stand and sit at the back meanwhile Harry walk toward the vacant sit beside me then sit silent

All I can do is put my head down resting for a while

"Taylor" He wishper

"I-m s-sorry" he start to break down

I sit up straight and fix my eye glass

I transfer my self at the corner seat of at the back its just 4 seat away from Niall and his friend

"C'mon Taylor talk to me! I-i" I put my right hand up signing him to stop

"Good Morning class and To you too Mr.Styles please back to your seat" She smiled maybe she has a good day but I dont

Harry Sit his seats with a frown and sadness on his face

This class is an amazing Subject but this days I got bored to everything I do

"Ms.Taylor stop day dreaming we only have 5 more minutes so are you done with you Essay?" She ask snaping off my thoughts

"I-um Here ma'am" I handed her my essay paper thag have 1000plus words I think?

She read it carefully everyone was look at me

"Its great! Perfect! Taylor! Now your dismissed" she clap two times everyone rush just bumping me like they saw me so I step aside to let then go first

"Are you ok? "

"Im fine" she grab my hand and pull me outside toward the girls bathroom she lock it

"No your not"

"How'd you even know?!" I ask softly look down to the floor

"Cause Im your best friend please tell me what is wrong what is your problem we can figure everything out me and Karlie are here for you!"

"Here we go again Sel I dont wanna have a fight with you" I hissed

"Do you trust us?" I was shoked to her question Do I trust them?

"I-I dont kn-"

"I understand feel free if you need someone to talk to" she smiled and left alone here

All I can do is to break down in tears

Here was my fear the everyone will left me

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