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The next day

Karlie and Selena told me to go to school with them today

I wait for a few minute

I was walking away from the crowd of screaming girls
And Harry, Niall ,Liam and Louis are in the middle of crowd trying to get out
For pete sake why are they being obsses with them theyre not worth on time

"Come On Tay lets go were almost wait" Selena called grabing my arms dragging me in to our Math Subject room

"Ouch Thats hurt Sel!" I cried out

"Sorry!" Making peace sign using her hand

"Oh yeah your look over the cutie mop head eh, You like him!" Karlie tease me "Ayieee" both of them tease me

"No I dont!"

"Yes You are!" She keep teasing

"Taylor is inlove!" Karlie Add

"Stop teasing me!" I said with irritation

"Fine Fine! Princess!" Selena said With annoyance

Is she mad?

"Im Not A Princess"

"Yes You are!" Karlie Defened

"No Im not!"

"Yes Your a Princess that hiding into a Nerd style" She kinda felt angry

"Can you just shut the fuck up!" I almost shout while Selena was being quite there I know she's listening to us but ignoring us

"Whatever Princess!" I frown I hate being called Princess in public

"Taylor! And Ms.Kloss would you like to share that you were talking?" OMG not now!

"Stand Up! Come here you two!" She called two of us walk infront my classmate are laughing

We glare to each other

Selena was watching us worriedly but I just ignore her she started it then Karlie added up so Im not the one to blame but Im the one whose affected

"Tell us what your talking you two while Im Dicussting Ms.Taylor?!"

"Ma'am she is talking about That I-i *take a deep breath* I-" I stop over there


"Iamafreakingprincessshestartedit!" I said it fast


"Kloss Tell us"

"Were talking about that"

Please dont tell them!

"She was a Princ-" "Ohh sit down now!" Thank god Maam know what she will say she give me a death glare

Did our friendship over?


The bell rang they all rush out include me
I look inside to see Sel and Karlie talking I can feel Karlie is going to cry two of them look at me I shook my head quickly them walk away


"Taylor wait up!" Harry jog toward me

"Are You free tonight"

"Yes" I answer

"Can we hangout tonight?!" He ask while smoling showing his cute dimples

"Sure! Meet me at the nearest cafe few blocks away from here around 7 Pm"

"and is this a Date?"

"Yes Thank you Taylor" He kissed me on my right cheeks and run away

I was blushing here standing like Im only person
I felt electricity rush into my spine and a butterfly in my stomach

That Nerd Is The Princess (Haylor)Where stories live. Discover now