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"Your house or Mine!" Harry ask

"Your house please, My House Isnt available its toi small and noisy to study there" I lied

"O-ok" Let's Go he smiled

Skip on Ride sync

"Come In" Harry invite me in

Ohhh This is really-

"Do you want to come in or stare all day?"

"Ah erm sorry"

We went up to his room
His room is clean and neat not otherboy
Some poster on the wall
A Bookshelf beside of his Studying Table etc

"Put your bag on thes sofa you can prepare our notes and sit on the bed,Im just going to Get food downstair" ge announced In nod and prepare everything


He came with Tray with Cookies and 2 glass of Orange Juice

"Lets eat first" I came toward him to get mine and join him sitting on the Carpet

"Thanks Harry" "for what?"

"Nothin But Thank you"

"Ok so lets start the tutoring?"

"Sure" He get up to get the books,pen and paper"

"Read Page 89-91 if your done tell me what you understand if there's wrong I'll correct you K?"

"Ok" while he read every page I do my History Assignment whule doing that I keep glancing at him Im just amaze at the aura of his Face

"Stop staring your distracting me!" He laugh


"Your cute!"

"No Im not,continue reading!"

"Fine,but your really cute eh" he teased

"i am not cute!" I protest

"Yes you are babe."

" dont call meh that its disgusting!"


"Stop really I'll leave you!" I exclaim

"Oh yeah? Leave me Or Love Me" he ask wtf

"Kill you!"

"Dont kill me Babe I have dreams to achieve" He fakely beg I burst into laughter

"Whaterever Stop thing nonsense hahaha" i check my hand watch its already 7:30pm

"Erm- Harry I should go its already Dark outside" I collect all my stuff then he walk me out

"Oh sure ,Ill Drive ya home"

"Its ok I can just grab a Cab,continue the tutor Tomorrow?"

"Ok let me drive you no buts!" He grabmy hand and put me in shotgun sit and he jog to the driver side n hope in

He drove to the house where He Send me last time we date its alredy near the mansion I did what i do last time he drove me Home

"Goodbye Harry Thank"

"Anytime" I kissed his cheeks he drove away

That Nerd Is The Princess (Haylor)Where stories live. Discover now