Fifty Nine

203 12 3

The whole night I was thinking should I go back or be with Lule for a moment
If I stay Luke's Career and Reputation will turn down like shit

If I go everything will be fine
It will?

I should go

I should Stay!

I should really go

I look at Luke beside me who sleeping peacefuly

I took a piece of paper and a pen from my backpack then start to write a letter for Luke
Maybe this descision make everything fine and change

Next Morning

Luke's POV...

I slowly open my yes and turn around to the other side of the bed All i see is empty side

I jump off my bed trying to find her anywhere in this room but no sign of her

I check in the kitchen still no sign so

I realise that her bag wasnt there anymore

That made me panick

call my guards

"Find Taylor" they start to work on it

"Yes Sir"

I pick up my phone to call her

"C'mon Tay pick up the damn phone" I wispher  still panicking

What if something happen to her
It would be my fault
Im the one who ask her to come with me its my responsiblities to take the blame at all!

"Sir" one of my guard call


"Some of the hotel boy and guard see her leaving the hotel last night"

"What?" I disbelieving said

"She take cab but one of the guard overhear she drove to the airport for the 1st flight back to England" he report

"Ready my Private jet we'll go follow her"

"Yes sir" he leave the room as I sit down to the bed because of frustrationd and slam my back on the soft bed

Thank you so much guys for the 8k readers you really made my day today! Thank you so much and Ilysm


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