Thirty Two

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"C'mon Tay! Hurry Up we're going to late!" I rolled my eyes following Selena

"My Feet hurt Sel! Slow Down" Karlie Groan

"Hey were almost there Sel slow down your making us some contestants of Fast Walk Racing!" I heavily breath and stop beside the of Karlie then Selena turn to us

"Few steps more guys were there! My feet hurt too I will treat at the parlor massage later!" We grin then follow her


"Your Late Ms.Gomez, Kloss and Taylor!" Mr. Anderson scolded

"Its not my fault that Taylor and Karlie are slow in walking" Selene Whine

"Its not our fault that you drove to the wrong direction of the road!" Two of us Fire back

Mr Anderson slam his hand on table making a loud thud that make us jump

"Stop you three! DETENTION AFTER KLOSS" he give us a paper some of our classmates laugh



That Dungeon ahhhh Help me! Help us

"You may sit now girls"

We stomp our feet with annoyance until we reach our seats

"Awww Taylor got detention goodluck" she tease me and laugh

"Hope you will too" I smile and don't forget the sarcasm

"Don't let them get you down" Karlie and Selene whisper to my both ears

"I know Thanks!" While the teacher are discussing about the Algebra

I didn't get it some of its there is many salvation

I write down to my notebook
Think of how the school life is
How does it bad and good

School is Like a Game
Bag is the Item Box

Cafeteria is the Medicine/Weapon Store

Teacher are the Monster

Ballpen/Books are the Weapon

Detention is the Dungeon

Classroom is the Battle Field

Classmates are the warriors

Bathroom are the hideout

Maybe am I right?

"Ms.Taylor would you like to share what you were writing?" He irritated ask

"Sure" I bravely stand and walk infront then read it

"School is Like a Game
Bag is the Item Box
Cafeteria is the Medicine/Weapon Store
Teacher are the Monster
Ballpen/Books are the Weapon
Detention is the Dungeon
Classroom is the Battle Field
Classmates are the warriors
Bathroom are the hideout" I smirk at him

"Ms.Taylor you know its rude to write something like that? Even you call the teacher as a Monster!Whom you dedicated it?" He angry said

"To everyone I think but I just wrote it by now so I dedicated it to Mr.Anderson" everyone laugh including me his head turn red because of anger there was a smoke coming out of his ears his fist are hardly being close

"MS.TAYLOR! DETENTION NOW!"  I can't believe I made him like this! Did I change in this way? Wow I had a bad ass in the other side of me cool!

I run outside the classroom through the halls I look back whose following me there was Mr.Anderson chasing me! Until I reach Detention room

What am I going to do!

"Get inside the detention room Ms.Taylor and I will talk to your father because of your behavior" O_o no no no

"What? No Don't" I beg

" sorry Ms.Taylor But I have too

Ms. Finlay came from no where

"What is happening here Mr.Anderson" she approach us

"Oh Hey Ms.Finlay. Taylor does something bad a while a go she need to be detention"

"Oh what did she do?"

I look at them rolling my eyes

"First she was late with her friend on my class second she call teacher as a Monster! She aso dedicated it to me what she wrote!" He groan

"What is it?" I give the paper the read is

She laugh.

"Ok Mr.Anderson I will take this Girl let me please?"

"Ok make her realized what she had done is wrong" I pitty him

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