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Taylor's POV
(Taylor!s Outfit)

Taylor's POV(Taylor!s Outfit)

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(Harry's Outfit)

Im fully dress dad is waiting for me so we can do the grand entering in the main door

I want to ask dad badly about the picture frame of him with Ms Finlay in her room maybe some other time

Music start, door open widely infront of us light are spot on me & dad we started to walk staight infront

Everyone are looking on us with smile some of them complaining

My 2nd ball that I attend

When were infront Dad handed a microphone

"Good Evening Everyone! I hope all of you are enjoying the ball! And find some destinies or someone " they laugh " I want you to know that Princess Alison is Joining us tonight" I rolled my eyes " please step infront" i did and handed me the mic

"Hello! I dont know what to say right now! Thank for coming and enjoy!" I gave back

More thing happened

I walk through the crowd
Searching for Selena and Karlie

Im bored!


"Oh sorry! I didn-" I apologise

"No its ok, Y-" I look to those green eyes of him I was star struck

"Your highness!" He bowed I did the same for respect i held my gown up a little bit and bow

"Um-err I-i" i stutter

"TAY-PRINCESS ALLISON!" Karlie and Sel shout While running toward us


"Oh god wanna know what happened!" Karlie exclaimed


"WE meet boys named Zayn and Niall!-- and Hi?" Selena Squal then look at the boy beside me

"Goodevening ladies! Maybe I should take a leave see ya later Princess" He wink at me I look down amd blush

"Dont blush to much Tay you might burn tell us if your burning so we can get some eggs bacon!" Karlie Warn

"Shut up!" Two of them laught

Selena and Karlie are done with their love story how they met the boys named Zayn and Niall

I walk around again I got some good compliments, have some augthougraph like an artist even a picture with my sign

Am I that popular?

I saw the Blonde girl with blue eyes like me talking to the man who i bump to while ago

I walk past them

"wait!" A girl voice from my back i turn and face them

"May I help you Maam" she hug directly not even saying anything Im still confuse standing here

She let go

Ok what's happening right now?

"I miss you so much Alison!" She hug me

"Excuse me Ms. Maybe your hugging the wrong person"

"No,Your the Princess! My Daughter!" Did I hear it right? Daughter? I back away I can see her cheeks are wet

"Give Princess Alison An aroundoftheappluse" I was about to walk away but i look at her once she is gone

I perform my own song

Still can't get over about daughter thing

"You Ok Princess?"

"Im fine" i look at him

"Wanna dance" he offered his hand I accept

Music change to a slow dance

I put my right hand on his shoulder
And enterwined our left hand his right hand hold my waist

We start to dance
Starring to eachother eyes not
Some spark and electric build between us butterflys in my stomach

I wish this will last long forever!

Loving him was red
Losing him was blue

That Nerd Is The Princess (Haylor)Where stories live. Discover now