Thirty One

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"Your here because of you'll take a vacation after this week. That's means next week your having a vacation!" Dad Exclaim then clap his hand

"REALLY UNCLE? THIS US GONNA BE FUN" Karlie said with Excitement

"What about our classes?" Selena ask

"You 3 are excuse nothing to worry! So go pack your things your flight is on Sunday 4:00 am" Dad announced then walk to the door and open before he can close the door I stop him by asking

"How many days are our vacation and where?"

"1 Week girls. It will be in Hawaii!"

"FUCKING HAWAII BITCHES WERE GOING TO HAWAII" Karlie Jump off her seat start shouting like she win a lottery

"Language please" she formally fix her self then seat beside us again


"Why do we need to have a vacation for one week?" I ask

" I think you really guys do" dad clear his throat

"Is there something you keep from me dad?"

"Ah-nothing why will I?"

"Well we take leave dad thanks for the vacation I might not enjoy it maybe I do!" I bid a goodbye as usually always did not the same before :((

Sorry Short Chapter guys
How was it? Is it good or bad?
Tell me wahh😭😭


Thank you for HaylorSwiftioner for flooding a VOTE on my notification
Its really mean Alot for me
Thank you to everyone who read it


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