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The name is Jason Todd. Some people like to call me Red Hood, others call me their worse nightmares. Truth is, there was a time where I wasn't this character I've developed. I was once an orphan, robbing just to get by in life. My father was in jail and my mother died from drug abuse. One night, I tried to steal some car tires from a car parked in an alley. Little did I know that the car belonged to Batman. I later found out that it was billionaire Bruce Wayne under the mask, and he rescued off the streets that night. Lucky me, not.

For six months I trained under his ways, learning his combat, his lifestyle, his mentality. But since my "brother" Dick was still Robin at the time, my ass just stuck to the sidelines and awaited my turn. After an altercation between the two, Dick set off solo in Blood Haven. Leaving me to take up the mantle of Robin. The few missions I did were okay, I wasn't really fond with his "no killing" policy he had going on, but I loved working with him. I remember times when we would come home and just watch TV together until I fell asleep, like a real dad.

However, I also remember our disagreements. Our most serious one is when he knew the murderer of my father Willis Todd and never told me. I trusted him as my sidekick and he left me in the dark like I'm nothing! Well fuck that, it was time I took revenge. Apparently his killer was Harvey Dent, Two-Face. Once I encountered and beat him down, I had a choice to either turn him in or end him now. I choose to spare him, and I regret that thinking I should've gotten revenge for my father, but it's whatever now.

Months later, I got a note saying that my mother Catherine Todd, was not actually my mother. Conflicted with emotions, I set out to find her where the note told me, an abandon warehouse. That would be the worse mistake I ever made in my first life.

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