Deathstroke vs. Red Hood

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"Wake up Jason." I heard as I was punched in the face hard. I awoke, and saw Deastroke in front of me "Slade!" I exclaimed and tried to lunge at him, but then realized that I have been tied up. "Oh Jason. Always trying to spring into action instead of thinking." Deathstroke said, and punched me in my ribcage. I grunted in pain, trying to break free from my restraints."You know Jason, I could've just killed you and collected my money. But, you made this personal." Deathstroke explained, and punched me again on the other side of my ribcage. "You went after my daughter. Burned her. Took her eye out. But don't worry, I'll repay that depth ten times more." he threatened, and walked out of the dark room. If I don't get out of this, and fast, I'll be dead again.

I then heard something drop down behind me, and I got even more nervous. "Who the-" "Shut up moron!" a person whispered, and I recognized the voice, it's Tim. "Now your helping me? How gratifying." I said, and he untied. I dropped on the floor, my ribs hurting from Deathstroke's blows "You gonna complain, or you want my help." he asked, not wanting to deal with my shit. "What's the plan?" I asked and got up "The plan is you die from my hands." a menacing voice said, and we looked over to see Deathstroke with his swords in hands "Robin, go find the others." I said, and for the first time he didn't question me, I guess he sees that I am serious. Red Robin left, and we both walled around Ina circle, staring at each other intensely. "If you want to enjoy taking me out Slade, drop those swords and fight me like a man!" I exclaimed, egging him on to drop those swords seeing that all my weapons are gone. Deathsroke stopped, and thought a long hard time and dropped the swords "You're right, but what you fail to understand is that I am no mere man. I am a super solider! That you will soon see!" he uttered, and we begun.

I ran up to him and did a double kick, but both were blocked. He hit me in the rids again, and tried again but I blocked and took a shot at his face. It hit hard, and he stumble back super kicked me in the face. I stumble back, spitting blood out of mouth, and then I unloaded on him. Punches after punches, I kept swinging so he wouldn't get an opportunity to hit back. One of these punches have to land, but unfortunately Death stroke caught my fist mid swing. He then twisted it awkwardly, making me scream agonizingly loud "You are no match for me." he said, and spin kicked right in the back of my head. I fell, dazed from the blow. I could hear walling towards me, and I opened my eyes to see him over with sword "Now, it's time to collect." he exclaimed, and rose the sword high. For a second, I thought I was going die again, until Red Robin jumped on Slade"s back. Slade then threw him off, and I was able to sweep kick him and start punching him. All hitting his face, and I was able to punch his mask, knocking him out as well.

I got up, and looked at Tim and he looked back at me. "Thanks." I said, and he smiled "It's what family do for each other." Tim said, and I never thought I would think of Tim as family. I usually only thought of him as a brat of Batman picked up from the streets. I then grabbed my supplies, loaded my pistols, and walked back over to Slade. I put my foot on his chest, holding him down "Please! Don't kill me!" he pleased with me, but I didn't want to hear it "You didn't show the All Caste mercy, why should I show you mercy!?" I asked, putting pressure on my foot so I hurt him more "I'll tell you who put the hit out on you!" he grunted, and I lightened my foot so he could talk more clearly "Who did it?!" I shouted, demanding an answer from him, and he told me "Harley! Harley Quinn set the hit!" I froze, my anger overcoming me. The All Caste were slaughtered because of some crazy bitch still getting over her physco husbands death! "That bitch! She's dead!" I exclaimed, in so much anger "You got what you want, now let me go!" Slade pleased again, and I held the gun to his head and shot him. "Sorry Wilson, but I lied." I stated, and walked away. New mission, get Harley!

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