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I never felt better! The power. The rage. All coursing through my veins. It feels amazing! I got out of the pool and tore off all the bandages on me. "Feels good doesn't it?" Ra's asked, and I gave him a sadistic smile "I've never felt more alive!" I exclaimed, very energetic and sounding out of my mine. "Ready up Jason, you and my men will leave at dawn."

I put my batman costume on and loaded up all my new weapons I got from Ra's. "Why wear that?" I heard, and turned to see Talia in the doorway "Too show Bruce that I'm the true hero of Gotham. Being Batman means you do anything to protect this city, even it it means taking a few scumbags lives." I explained, and kept loading my guns up "Being Batman also means protecting the city while also keeping the peace. Where's the peace in killing I ask?" she asked, but I just ignored her. I had no time to answer her pointless questions. "My advice, go back to Red Hood. It suits you better." she said and walked off.

After readying myself, me and the assassins went to the manor to attack. I went from the back where the scanner is "Computer, voice recognition. Jason Todd." I said "Voice not valid." the computer said, and I was shocked. I shouldn't be though, it something expected that Bruce would change the voice recognition. I knew if I got it wrong again it would set off the alarm "Oh fuck this!" I exclaimed and punched the scanner, allowing it to open but set off the alarm. "Go! They're on to us now! I shouted and we all ran in. Time to fight!

As we went into the cave, we saw Batman, Red Robin, and Robin ready for us. But, something was off about Batman. That didn't look like Dick st all. It looked! It couldn't be! "Bruce..?" I uttered quietly, not believing it was him "This ends now Jason!" the man said, and I was right it is Bruce. I'm glad, because this time he won't have a broken back when I'm done with him! I growled and shouted "Kill them!" And we all charged into a brawl.

Bruce swung first, but I dodged and gave him two punches to his rib cage and swung at his face, but he dodged and punched me in the face and kicked me in the chest. I fell, and when he tried to pounced on me I kicked him the stomach, got behind him, and suplexed him on his back. He laid on the ground, so I knew his back isn't fully healed. I charged him and slammed him on his bad back, and he laid there not moving. I laughed sadistically and pulled my gun "Sorry old man, but there's a new sheriff in town." I exclaimed, but before I could shoot I was tackled and dropped my gun. When I got up, I saw Dick in his Nightwing outfit. He snickered "Round two bro?" he asked like a cocky bastard, and got in his fighting stance. I knew he was still hurt though, so this should be easy pickings.

"What's your motives this time?!" he asked as he traded blows at each other "Kill you all, and get that kid to Ra's!" I explained quickly and spin kicked him. He stumble backed, but then he took out these black sticks "I won't let that happen!" he exclaimed, and clashed the sticks together making an electrical charge, ah shit. I dodged them as much as I could, but he then caught me with a combinations of electrified strikes and knocked me down. Being stunned, I looked around to see the assassin either down or fleeing the seen. Those fuck! How could they abandon me like this!? I got up, with everyone facing me. I roared as a final act of defiance and charged at them, but was knocked out by Batman himself. The plan failed.

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