The Mantle

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After that night, I let my anger control me. It's the best thing for me to do, not try to suppress it. Me and the Outlaws have worked together for nine months now, just taking out petty criminals in multiple cities. Since we've done such a good job and works together, I'm going to take them out the eat the next morning. But then I watched TV, and saw the absolute worse thing ever. "Breaking News! The Cape Crusader of Gotham, Batman, has been seriously hurt by the supervillain Bane. Apparently, sources say that Batman back could be seriously damaged from Bane snapping it on his knee. Hopefully, he is fine. More on this story, on Gotham News." I sat there shocked, afraid for his well-being. I couldn't wait any longer, tonight I am heading to Gotham.

I wrote a note, explaining to the guys where I am going, and got my stuff and left. It took me two hours to get to Gotham, specifically Wayne Manor. This dirt filled city still hasn't changed, but right now I'm worrying about Bruce. I rang the doorbell, and it opened to see Alfred Pennyworth, looking shocked as all hell too "Master Todd!" Alfred exclaimed, and hugged me. I smiled a little, and hugged him back "Hello Alfred, it's good to see you friend." I said, very glad to see him again. "I heard about what happened. How is he?" I asked, wasting little time. Alfred happy expression then turned to sadness "His....back has been broken. We are not sure if he'll ever walk again." Alfred told me, and my heart dropped down to my stomach. I felt terrible for him, so I started heading towards his room. It's been a while since I've been in the mansion, but I guess you never forget home. I walked into the room to see Dick, Tim, and another kid. I never seen this kid before, but he's wearing a green face mask, a cape with a hood on it, and a red shirt with an "R" on it. Also, he actually kind of looks like Talia Al Gul. They looked at me, and said nothing. We all were just worried about Bruce. "C'mon guys, let's give them some breathing room." Dick said, wanting me and Bruce to finally talk, smooth move Grayson.

I went to the side of the bed, and he turned to look at me. "How do you feel?" I asked him, complete negating any greetings to avoid any awkward feelings towards each other. "Like my back is broken." he exclaimed, being sarcastic just like I remembered. "Bruce, I'm-" "Don't. We have bigger things to worry about then pointless apologizes." he told me, and like it or not he's right. There's a bigger picture then just Bruce being crippled. I left his side, so we could discuss this situation more in depth.

They were all in the living room chatting, so I joined them. "So, what now?" Tim asked, and took off his face mask to reveal his blue eyes and spikey black hair "There's no way he's walking again." Dick said, and I jumped "Which brings up an even bigger situation. Who's going to be Batman?" I asked, and they all froze. This was, and still is a question that we never wanted to address. We, as in me and Dick, never wanted to be Batman. We always believed that the mantle of Batman would be too much for us to handle, but now I'm more then willing to do this. "Fine, I will do it since no one is willing to take it up!" the kid said, and I laughed "Sit down kid, the mantle is going to me." I said, and Dick gave me a troubled look "Absolutely not!" he exclaimed, and I looked at him "Oh, so you're gonna take it now?" I asked very aggressively "My role is Nightwing, but your role isn't Batman." he told me, and I started getting pissed "Excuse me, but when the hell do you decide for me?" I said and stepped closer towards him, and he did the same "I do now! You're not just going to waltz back here and claim this responsibility! So as far as I'm concerned, you're no Batman and will never be Batman!" he shouted, and we looked at each other very intensely. "You're going to regret this Grayson." I uttered, and walked out of the manor.

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