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Dick is a fool! He's unwilling to take the mantle, and the other two could never be affective as Batman. I'm the one who right for the role! Yet he denies my destiny! Well, let's see how downhill Gotham goes when there's no Batman around!

A week later, I was still in Gotham making sure the city doesn't go straight to hell without a Batman around. I got a tip that there is going to be a weapons deal tonight, so I'm just waiting here for it to start. It started, it looked like a bunch of Penguin goons selling guns, well not for long. I started loading my guns up, but I then saw two figures on my right side. I looked out of paranoia, to see Batman and Robin.

What the actually fuck is this!? Who is in that suit!? They dove down and started taking down all of thugs. I stood on the roof, stunned, angered, and confused. After they finished and defeated the goons, I went down and looked at this Batman wannabe. "Who are you?" I asked, and he smiled "I am Batman." this wannabe said, and it pissed me off "I want a name asshole!" I exclaimed, showing my rage towards this "Its okay, he's with us." the new Robin said, and he took off his mask, to my shock, to see Jean-Paul Valley.

Jean-Paul Valley is a member of this cult called The Sacred Order of Saint Dumas. An order of people who believe that they are God's chosen ones to protect Gotham. He then went by the alias, Azrael, and tried protecting Gotham when me and Scarecrow were destroying the city. He actually tried convincing Batman to giving up the cowl and giving it to him, which from the looks of this he has been contemplating giving Jean the mantle for a while.

"Why the hell are you wearing that mask?" I asked very menacing, utterly pissed at what I'm seeing right now "Wayne asked me to take up the mantle due to his, accident, and I humbly agreed." Jean explained, and I just looked at him like I wanted to kill him, which I did. After calming myself down, all I said was "Well, good for you." and grappled away from there. Time to have a chat with that crippled bastard!

How dare he!? Give our families honor to some cultist prick! I bursted into the manor, to see Bruce in his new wheelchair watching TV "What is wrong with you!?" I shouted towards me, and he looked at me with no emotion. Knowing him, he already knew what I'm here about "You let Azrael be Batman?! Why!? I want an answer?!" I exclaimed, demanding it from Bruce "Dick didn't want to take up the cowl, and Tim and Damien are too young and inexperienced. And you.." he stopped, just what the fuck does that mean!? "Me what!?" I asked, feeling disrespected "You cannot be Batman. No matter how strong you have gotten and how much your skills have improved, the mantle of Batman does not go to those who don't abide by my rules. Such as, no killing." he emphasized, and I just stood there and looked at him in disgust. "You're gonna regret this Bruce." I uttered, and stormed out of the mansion.

Alright Bruce, since you wish to be a stubborn old man like always, it's time I take things into my own hands. Like it or not, I will become Batman.

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