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For about three months, Bruce trained me to become what I once was before. I'm not as lethal as I was, more patient, and since he knows me he's allowing me to use my guns but only when its necessary. We meditate a lot too. He meditates from what he was taught, while I meditate how the All Caste taught me. Either way you look at, me and him were actually bonding again. Problem was, me and his son didn't get along at all. The guys a little asshole if you ask me. Always thinking he's the best out of me and Tim when he's not with the Titans. I just hope I never have to go on a mission with him.

I was training down in the cave, when Bruce came down looking more serious then usual, with his arrogant son at his side too. I walked over to see what's going on "Poison Ivy is robbing the Bank of Gotham. Most likely have most of the security under mind control." Bruce said, but something was off. His suit isn't on. "You gonna suit up?" I asked, confused on why he's not wearing it "I'm sending you and Damien out to handle this." he revealed, and I'm about to snap. Why him of all people!? Just why damnit!? "I don't need his inferiority pulling me down father. I can handle this myself." Damien stated, and I gave him such an evil stare "You're about two seconds away from getting my foot up your ass!" I shouted at him, already annoyed at this cocky prick. "Enough! Jason, this is your once chance to prove to me that you've actually changed, dkng waste it." he explained, and walked off. Great, just freakin' great.

I suited up as Red Hood and Damien suited up as Robin and we headed to the Bank of Gotham. We said little, we just wanted to be on the same page so this missing would go smoothly. We made it there and bust down the door to see the entire bank covered with leaves and roots "Be careful, she could control you at any time." I told her, seeing that I've handle Ivy's terror before "Don't tell me what to do." Robin exclaimed and rushed in, like a moron! I ran after him and saw Robin stopped as if he was a statue "Robin..." I murmured quietly and looked up to see Poison Ivy upstairs with her controlled civilians and security guards. "Hey big red, looks like the boy is under my control. Hey bird boy, sick him!" Ivy exclaimed and Robin turned around with green eyes, and a vicious glare "Robin...its me its me!" I tried to reason with him, but he started to charge at me with sword out and ready, shit! He swung the sword at me twice, luckily I dodged out the way and kicked him dead in the face, knocking him out. That felt both guilty and relieving. Finally shut that brat up.

I ran upstairs to get to Ivy, but the controlled civilians and security guards got in my way. Sorry people, but you're gonna have to get your ass kicked right now. I took them all as safe as possible and looked at Ivy. "Its over." I exclaimed and I took my gun out to intimidate her. She then walled sexually towards me and blew her poison. I then stood like a statue, unable to move or talk "Silly boy, did you honestly believe you could defeat me by yourself? You're no batman ya know." she exclaimed while putting a hand on my helmet, and I headbutted her. "Word of advise, try using it with the mask off." I said and took her to custody. No casualties, no deaths, mission success.

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