The Arkham Knight

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We escape the Asylum and went to some underground base I assume. Never thought in my two lives that I'd be busted out of jail by Scarecrow. "So, what's the plan?" I asked, not wanting to waste anymore time with this. If Scarecrows plan can lead me to killing Batman, then I want this plan to start now! "Tell me Jason, what is your greatest fear?" he asked, what the fuck kind of question is that? How does that have anything go do with the plan? "I have no fear. Got rid of those a long time ago." I answered, still not understanding the reasoning for that stupid question. "We all have fears my boy. Once you exploit a person's fears, he or she then becomes your puppet. Allowing you to do whatever you want with the person so they don't have to face those fears." he explained, and I could honestly care less of what he's talking about right now. "Get to the point!" I persisted him, wanting to know already "The people of Gotham are afraid of losing their hope in their heroes. They wander those dangerous streets every day and night, but they do not fear because of the presents of Batman lurking around any corner he sees fit." he explained more, and it actually started catching my attention "I have enough of my toxin to cover this entire city and create endless fear for the people. I have gathered many soldiers around the world to fight Batman and the GCPD. But, they do not know how to handle Batman." he stated, and I understood my purpose here now. "But I do. So you want me to train your army the ways, techniques, and strategies Batman uses to defeat his opponents?" I asked, just to make sure we are on the same page "Exactly." he said, and a devious smile grew on my face and I said "When do I start?"

It took me six months to train this army Batman's tactics. Everything I've seen Batman do or the strategies he has used while I was Robin, I taught to the men. My men. Scarecrow put me in charge of this army and the tech we have with it. High quality weapons, advanced tanks, lethal security systems, its like living in my very own funland! I then realized something else. For this plan, I could not just put my low tech armor on and lead the army as Red Hood. I need high power army, advanced weapons, and a new identify. I then remembered my time in Arkham, how I had to endure the realization of how Batman betrayed me and sent me here to rot. So, right then and there I created my new name. Watch out Dark Knight, the Arkham Knight is here to kill you!

I created a suit with the strongest armor we had, I painted the letter "A" in the middle, I had a high tech helmet on with a voice modifying face mask, and just to add insult to Batman I added pointy ears to the mask. I then walked into Scarecrow's office "So what's the plan?" I asked, while fixing my enhanced duel pistols "Now, its time for the evacuation." he said, and I had to stop and focus on him for a moment "Evacuation?" I repeated, I thought I heard that wrong for a second "You didn't think you were going to waltz into Gotham with your tanks and soldiers did you?" he stated, making me feel like an idiot for actually thinking that. "We need to drive Gotham into a state of emergency. They evacuate, and then they come back to see their hero lying dead in the destroyed city they once knew. That will break them." he explained, and to be honest I like his plan more, but there was just one problem "We need a distraction for Batman though. If its just us in the city causing mayhem, he'll pick us off easily." I stated, and that's when they came in.

"Arkham Knight, meet Penguin, The Riddler, Harley Quinn, Firefly , and Deathstroke." Scarecrow introduced to me, and being in a room with all villains I've taken out before seemed awkward. "Aye Scarecrow! Just who the hell is this Batman wannabe?" Penguin asked, being a little douche as usual "Watch yourself Cobblepot, or I'll put a bullet right where that pointy nose is!" I threatened, and it shut him up real fast. "So Scarecrow, why did you bring your intellectual superior here? Just to have pointless conversations with one another?" Riddler added on, and I remembered why I hated his smug ass. "Because we all have the same goals, breaking the Bat. I have a plan to destroy h and this city, and all I need you people to do is cause as much chaos and destruction as possible." Scarecrow told them, And they all looked like they were more than willing to do this. And now, time to begin!

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