The Final Encounter

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We made are way towards GCPD, readying for anything Ra's throws at us. Nightwing tried contacting Gordon and Barbra, but there was no answer. So now we are dealing with as we go in. "So what's the plan bro?" I asked while loading all my weapons "Plan A, find Tim and the rest and get then to safety. Plan B, take them all out and save the rest." Nightwing explained and that sounds like the best thing I heard all night. We busted down the door and got into fighting stance, but no one was there. We walked around to see where everyone was. We then went to the back to see all the police in cells with Gordon and Barbra, while Tim is tied up in a chair with Ra's looking at him. "Honey we're home!" Nightwing exclaimed and I aimed my gun at Ra's. He turned around, not looking happy at all "Have you brought my grandson to me?" he asked "Sorry, Bruce won the custody battle." Nightwing said, continuing with the puns "Now give up now!" I shouted, and he just laughed "You fools. You cost the lives of many just to preserve one." he said, and I shot at his foot "The next one is going in your head, so give up!" I threatened, but he just smiled maliciously and snapped his fingers. All of a sudden, all of these assassins came out of nowhere. Well, time to fight!

Me and Nightwing lunged kicked a assassin down and Nightwing hit him in the head hard with his, staff knocking him out. Nightwing then electrified his staff and started hitting all the assassins with it so they go down in one hit. An assassin went to punch me, but I blocked and shot BIM right in the knee. Two came at me and I super kicked one and spin kicked the other into a group of assassin I then stared at Ra's and he stared back. I ran at him with my guns in my hand, but he took a sword out and put it to Tim's neck. I stopped in my tracks and Ra's just laughed sadistically "Your heart is stained with care. Your soft now, and it led to this boys death." he exclaimed and raised the sword readying to to kill Tim. "No!" I shouted and ran over, pushed Tim out the way, and was stabbed through my chest. Blood came from my mouth, and I dropped to the floor. "Jason!!!" I heard Dick call while I am going in and out of consciousness. Then, I finally passed out.

A sharp pain then shot into my body, and I awoke to see Tim pulling the sword out of my chest, and putting pressure on my wound. "C'mon! Stay with me Jason!" he exclaimed, and looked over to see Nightwing, Robin, Batman, Batwoman, and Batwing fighting the assassins. I then looked back at Tim and saw a hurt Ra's cone over with a sword. Shit! I grabbed NY gun and as quick as I can raised it up and shot Ra's right between the eyes. I dropped the gun and snicker a little "Try reviving old son of a bitch...!" I exclaimed as best I could and winced in so much pain. I then passed out again.

I then woke up to see everyone around me, Bruce by my side. "Jason, we're gonna get you help okay?" Bruce said, but I just laughed in pain. "You know...dying isn't scary the second time around..." I exclaimed, accepting my fate "Jason you're going to be fine. Don't say that!" Dick exclaimed, trying to give me confidence that I'll live. But I know how this works, and I accept it like I did years ago. "I finally help saved the city....mission accomplished finally." I said and smiled, but then I started to fade. " guys gave me a second chance...and I think I made you proud.... I can die happy with that." I explained, looking around at my family, specifically Bruce. I then faded to black, and I don't think I'm waking up this time.

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