Arkham Escape

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I was processed and was sentence to life in State Prison. As it my life couldn't get any more fucking worse. They took me there, and they immediately wanted my out. See, the inmates thought they could treat me like I was fresh meat. Until I poison the food and killed most of the inmates, aren't I nice? They decided to take me back to Gotham, and put me in Arkham Asylum.

Arkham Asylum, a Gotham prison created after the Blackgate incident that involved the Joker, Black Mask, and other various criminals. This was actually when Bruce first started as Batman. This is the place where Gotham's more serious criminals go. I guess now I'm considered a "criminal" just because I do what Batman and is family choose not to do. And I am a healer. I clean these damn streets of Gotham from the filth that are these criminals! I am the hero that Gotham deserve. I'm the hero Gotham should be on their knees begging for! Not some billionaire playboy playing dress up every night! Putting the criminals so they can break out again! But no, since Gotham puts me in jail for being a hero, I'll just be a villian and show them all what happens when you cross Red Hood!"

I spent a full year in the Asylum, plotting ways for me to break out and destroy Gotham and their heroes, until one night. I had received a note from an inmate, not knowing why. I don't speak to anyone in this hell hole. When I got back to my cell, I began reading it "Eleven o'clock tonight, cover your face with your sheets." it said, and I had no idea what it meant or why I received this. But, in case something does happen I was going to do this. I watches the clock, and when it hit eleven I quickly covered my face with my sheets. I then saw gas come in my cell, and just for safe measures I started to hold my breath. I didn't know what was going on, and all I can hear was commotion in other cells. I then heard shots go off, sounding like automatics. What the hell is going on!? My cell then opened and I saw an average height man, wearing decrepit clothing, his face looking as if he has had many unsuccessful surgeries on it, with high weaponed soldiers around him. "Jason Todd." the creepy freak said, and I didn't appreciate not knowing him but he knew me "Who's asking?" I asked, uncovering my face and standing in front of them like I had nothing to lose. "Ah, where are my manners. My name is Scarecrow." he stated, and the memories started flooding back in. I remember Dick telling me stories of when him and Bruce took on Scarecrow, and it gave me nightmares for an entire week. "I am here to offer you a deal. I've heard about your "heroisms" in Gotham, and wanted to know if you were willing to do more of that." he stated, and he had to be the stupidest person in Gotham to think I want help, let alone help from him! "Not interested. " I said, and sat back down on my bed. "What if I told you you could kill Batman during this "heroism"." he added on, and it caught my attention. "Go on."

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