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I awoke in an high tech jail cell. I looked around to see that I was in some type of underground lair. I then saw Red Robin, holding an ice pack on his jaw, come in and we looked at each other furiously. "Who were you looking for?" he asked, trying to scare me into telling him. Who the hell did this kid think he is? "Did you grow some balls and think you were Batman? I'm not telling you a damn thing!" I exclaimed, which pissed him off even more "Don't worry, when Batman gets here you'll talk." he stated, and walked away. God, well this is going to be a shitty day.

"Morning sunshine." someone said, and I realized they never took the communicator out of my ear, idiots! I also realized its Roy "You son of bitch! You left me!" I shouted into the communicator, and looked around to make sure no one was around me "Relax Jason, we had to leave if we wanted a shot to get Deathstroke when this is over." he explained, but the anger in me didn't settle. "You better have a good fucking plan to get me out of here Roy!" I said very aggressive "Just get the Superman wannabe attention. Make him lose his cool, and signal us." Roy explained, and its the best thing I could do in this situation. So, better this than nothing.

Superboy came into the room, most likely to check on me. Now is my time "Hey wannabe!" I shouted towards him, and he looked at me as if he was shocked I called him that, and angered. "What you call me?" he exclaimed, walking up to my cell "You heard me. A wannabe. You wear that symbol on your chest, thinking your Superman. You couldn't live up to his legacy, your nothing but a disgrace!" I said to him, and he punched a hole in the reinforced wall "I am not a disgrace! I didn't ask to be his clone! I was cursed this!" he explained, but I didn't give a shit. "You're not even Krytonian enough to take me down you Superman looking bitch!" I uttered, trying my hardest to piss him off enough for him to completely lose his temper. He then screamed and unlocked the fell, shit this wasn't the plan! He quickly charged at me, but luckily I was able to roll out if the way and yell "Now Arsenal!" and Starfire busted into and shot ray beams at Superboy. Arsenal then jumped in and shot a green bow at him, and on impact it burst open and green dust covered Superboy, making him collapse. "What the-" "Kryptonite arrow! By yours truly." Roy exclaimed, taking a bow. I walked up to Roy and punched him right in the face, causing him to fall "That's for leaving me!" I shouted in anger, and he rubbed his jaw "I deserved that, I know. And I'm sorry. Friends?" Ry asked, sticking out his hand in forgiveness, and I accepted.

We got up and started to run, and then an explosion happened in front of us "Fuck! Now what!?" I shouted, and we ready for a fight with the other two justice kids. All of a sudden, Roy and Starfire had been shot with tranquilizer, and then I was. "" without finishing my sentence, I fell to the floor. But before I passed out, I saw a man walk up to me. It was Slade.

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