Finishing The Job

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I should of finished it four years ago. I should of took Harley with me that night and killed them both. I wouldn't have to deal with this right now. The All Caste wouldn't be dead right now if I had just finish what I started. Well, don't worry because I'm going to Harley's little hide out at Funland, and I'm going to murder her. For the All Castes, and for vengeance.

Me and the Outlaws made it to Finland, we are standing outside the door "When we step in, it's no holds bard. We go in and destroy anything and anyone who gets in our way. And then, we kill Harley." I explained to them, and they both nodded "Arsenal ready for murder!" Roy stated, bring in his humor with him as always "Let us begin with the killing!" Starfire exclaimed, eyes glowing bright green. So, it's time, and we busted in.

We looked around, very dark and silent. Suddenly, the lights came on and we saw multiple Joker thugs around us, with Harley on top of hr fancy ass balcony. "I knew that black and orange loser solider couldn't do what my Mr.J did!" Harley exclaimed, holding her huge hammer "Get down here Harley! This ends now!" I exclaimed, wanting nothing but Harley's blood all over the floor! "You're right red head, it will be the end, for you!" she exclaimed, and threw a green grenade shaped object towards us "Look out!" I shouted and pushed Roy and Star out the way, leaving it only to hit me. Gas spread everywhere around me, and I started coughing badly and fell to the ground "What....the this!?" I exclaimed, coughing so much "This is what I call Harley Gas. But you would know it as, Fear Toxin!" she announced, and I passed out into a nightmare of fear.

I woke up, I think. I looked around and it was black. Then, a spotlight hit a person, with green hair, snow white skin, a purple suit, and a devious grin. Dear God, it can't be! "Hello Jay-Jay!" the figure said, and I unfortunately am right. It's The Joker. I tried to spring into action, but I saw that I was ties to a chair. Similar to what happened nine years ago in the warehouse. "Look at you Jay-Jay! A ruthless murder thinking that he's a hero! You've made daddy proud!" Joker exclaimed while laughing, and I growled trying to get free but I couldn't. "Get away from me!" I shouted, not wanting him near me, but he skipped over here like its a damn game. He then got in my face and said "What's wrong Robin? Are you scared of ole Mr.J?" and I looked into his cold eyes, and I did something I haven't done in three years, let my anger control me."I am not afraid of you!!!" I shouted, and broke free from my restraints and grabbed Joker by his neck "I am Jason Todd, son of Batman! And I am not afraid of you!" I screamed, and broke his neck. I roared to the heavens then, knowing that I have broken my fear.

I woke up, for real this time. I saw Arsenal and Starfire fighting off the Joker thugs. With my rage being unleashed once again, it's time to have some fun! I got up and began shooting anything with a joker mask on. The blood being projected out of the thugs from every shot is delightful! After a while, everyone lies on the floor dead, and I looked up to see Harley afraid for her life "Oh no!" she murmured, and tries to run but Starfire blasted the floor beneath her, causing her to fall awkwardly on her right keg. I ran over, and aimed my gun right between her eyes, and she began to cry. "Please don't shoot! I'll give you anything, money, sex, anything!" she pleaded, trying to bargain with me. I then thought to my sadistic self, what is worse then death? I looked at the sobbing Harley still have another fear gas grenade, and got an idea. I took the grenade, and shoved it in her mouth and aimed my pistol at it and said "I want you to experience hell!" and shot the grenade. It exploded, and she coughed and started screaming for help. The agony in her voice warmer my heart "Let's go." I ordered, and we left. It is over.

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