Family Fight Together

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We grappled out way into the city. We saw the assassins destroy building, cause havoc in people homes, and saw that there were too many to handle. Me and Dick stopped on a building to scan the area, and for him to catch his breath "Jesus. Look at what's happening." Dick exclaimed, breathing heavy while looking shocked at what's he's witnessing in the city. "Let's clean it up then." I said and looked around. I saw a lone assassin on a roof top, bingo! I jumped over there and Dick followed. I took my pistols out and aimed it at the assassins "Don't move or I'll blow your brains out!" I shouted, but all of a sudden multiple assassins came out of nowhere "Oh shit, it's a trap!" I exclaimed, and looked around to see that we are surrounded. "Not for long!" Dick shouted and charged his electrified sticks up and slammed them on the roof, making it collapse into the warehouse.

We ran and hid somewhere in the warehouse. "Batman! We are trapped in a warehouse with assassins all over! I need a call here!" I exclaimed into our joined communicators "Take them out however you can. And I mean, however." he told us, stating that if necessary I could use my guns and go off, perfect! I took out my guns and loaded up "You ready?" I asked Dick, and he took out his electric charged staff "Let's do this!" he exclaimed, ready for a fight. Time to get one.

We ran out there to to see multiple assassins outside. I shot three of them and they fell to the ground. Dick sprinted to them and hit them once with his electrified staff, knocking them out. We ran to the steps to see an assassin throw a throwing stat at Dick. I moved him out the way and shot the throwing star out the air. He then threw a batterang at the assassin, it landed in his shoulder and we lunged kicked him down the stairs. We then went down the stairs and went into a large room, to see tons of assassins waiting for us. We looked in awe at the capacity in front of us. "Damn..." Dick uttered quietly and we both got into our fighting stance. Before the fight stopped, glass broke from above us. We looked up to see two figures drop in. One is a female, red hair, with a red bat symbol on her chest, abive average height, and looked strong as hell. The other is a male, an African American male to be specific, with a metallic batsuit with a glowing bat symbol on his chest. Just who the hell are these guys? They turned around and looked at us "Looks like you two need some help." she said, sounding very confident, while we looked at her with confusion written all over our faces. "Just who the hell are you two?" I asked "I'm Batwoman." she announced "And I'm Batwing." the male announce after. Bruce never told me about these two new additions to the family, but hell if they're here to help then they're in! They turned back around, and we all charged at the assassins. Let the fighting begin!

Batwing and Batwoman charged at the assassins and started taking them out with a well understanding of martial arts. Me and Nightwing were back to back taking onnas many as we possibly could. Me shooting anything that isn't friendly, while Nightwing attacked with his staff when they cane towards him. Before we knew it, they were down for the count. We still need answer on where Ra's is, and we're going to get it. Nightwing grabbed a dazed assassin and slammed him on the wall "Hey biddy, you mine tellin' us where your boss is?" Dick asked, trying to be silly like always "You're not getting anything from me!" the assassin shouted, and I put my gun to his head and said "You may wanna reconsider your answer." "Sorry, this my brothers here. He's not as patient as I am and isn't afriad to splatter your brains out your head. So if you wanna head when this is all done, you might wanna tell us dude." Dick explained, and he paused for a moment. "Okay! He's at GCPD holding the commissioner, the police, and the leader of the Teen Titans captive." he explained, and it caught our attention. The leader is Tim! Damnit! We can't waste anymore time now, if he hurts Tim he'll pay!

"So, since your family now its only fair to know who you guys are." Dick said, and they looked at each other and took off their mask. "The name is Katherine Kane." she said "My names Luke Fox." he said, and Dick looked surprised while Luke smiled. "Luke what the hell!? When did you get into this?!" Dick asked, apparently knowing who he is "Dad made the suit in case something happens to Bruce. And I thought this would be a good time to try it out." he explained and put his mask back on along with Kate. "So whats the plan?" Batwoman asked "We are going to GCPD to finish this. You guys go find Batman and help him clean this city up." I ordered, and they nodded and left to help out. Noe, its time to finish the job. Look out Ra's, we are coming for you. And I'm coming for blood this time!

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