Becoming Batman

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That night, I snuck out of the manor and traveled to what was once Joker's Funland. With some modification, I made into my own personal Batcave. I went inside, got threw all my security, and went to my computer. "Computer, Access Project Hero." I commanded, and behind came a volt. Within the the volt, a Batman suit. I created it with the same material used to form the original suit, with a few of my own modification. For example, it looks more dark and menacing, and I added red eyes to add a little Red Hood to the suit. And now, it's time to give it a test run.

Bruce wanted to deny me my destiny. Dick didn't even want to give me a chance. Well fuck them! I don't need their approval for any fucking thing! I've never needed their help! I'm a lone wolf in this crime infested forest! And I'll shall rid it of all of the infestations, because that's what Batman does! I am the true Batman!

I suited up and got all my weapons and gear. I looked in the mirror, and saw how terrifying I looked. Its amazing! I went out of my lair and grappled my way to the city. I then saw some Penguin thugs smuggling weapons as always, so its time to pay them a visit as the new, and improved, Batman. "Careful with those ya moron! The boss will have our heads if we mess up another weapons crate!" one of the goons said to other, while I was just sitting on top of a ledge waiting to strike. They five goons all turned their back, show time! I jumped down and landed behind them, and they turned around ready to piss their pants "Crap! Its Batman!" he said, and ran over to me and swung. I caught his hand, and broke his arm. He screamed at the top of his lungs, quite annoying actually. So I broke his neck. They four other goons looked shocked "Y-you killed him...!" one said, finding it here to believe what he just saw "Who's next?" I exclaimed in a very menacing voice, and they just ran. There's no way I'm letting them live, so I shot two in the back of the head with my duel pistols, and the other one fell trying to run. "Please Batman! Don't kill me! I'm sorry I won't ever do anything bad again!" the goon pleaded with me, but I could care less what he promises. I took out my knife and grabbed him by his shirt and ripped it off "Don't worry, I'll make sure of it." I said, and started carving a large bat symbol into his bare chest. This is how you be a hero! Making the bad guys suffer for what they've done!

I dropped the dead body off on GCPD's door step, just so they know they have someone to depend on now. I say this has been a satisfying night, and its only going to get better!

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